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Registered on:7/24/2014
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For the most part. Maybe Trump does not care to get into the religious end, but on those commonalities.....and several more. There's not a pubic hair's difference. ...
Unless you are a dumb shite , you would know that they are one in the same. These that I just mentioned were just a few of the commonalities. The denial by Trump is akin to two brothers who are about to get busted because they both did the same thing except that the parent definitely has more goods...
So you are saying that Trump and his supporters don't support The reclassification of Schedule F employees ? The elimination of the Dept of Education? The use of the National Guard for Law Enforcement activities in Democrat run cities? The use of the military in quelling domestic protests ? C...
No debate on that point. It's entertaining to watch. I enjoy the delusion on that end along with the denial on the other end on certain things. Denial Delusion Deceit Obfuscation. It's all Alternative Truth and Possible Facts all coupled with the emotive. Harris can't win and Trump probabl...
The one thing that Trump's people know is that no one is going to read a 900 page policy proposal. So Trump disavows the name Project 2025, condenses it, leaves out the detail, adds flying cars and new cities but on federal land and rebrands it Agenda 47. For simple people, you can say it's diffe...
Yeah, it's the same thing....just Trump does not go into 900 pages to describe it....
It's not intentionally dishonest and you saying that it is suggests that it is pretty close to dead on....
You guys don't want Project 2025 being hung on you, despite the fact that you probably think it does not go far enough? Or it's so close to what you want and it's so overall fricked up, especially the 5% that is really fricked up, that if he said that he was for it, Biden could win even if he was eati...
Check out Agenda 47 put out by the man and his campaign. It's a somewhat condensed version of 2025. It's different in that he wants to build cities in the desert or wastelands.....and get into Jetson's type stuff. But they certainly want to go after Schedule F employees , eliminate the DoEd . Execut...
Yes they quite often do on campaigns and politics. "We have no interest in implementing Project 2025. We prefer our own Agenda 47." Is it much different than Project 2025? "Well for starters it's called Agenda 47.... and we have few less paragraphs and very few 3 syllable words. You'll have...
You do realize that Trump has put out his own version of Project 2025 that more or less mirrors the actual Project 2025? If you like splitting hairs and playing semantic games....
We could admit that Harris was the "Border Czar" and that Trump's people actively worked with Heritage on Project 2025.....It's amazing how people on both sides disavow things that their finger prints, DNA and evidence is all over. Harris was the Border Czar Trump's people were all about craftin...
Well, Trump did hire him. He hires only the best....

re: If Hallman never came to LSU?

Posted by KiwiHead on 7/26/24 at 8:19 am
Consider thatBill's only significant class was the 84 signing class that had mostly defensive players like Hazard, Sancho, Rehage, and on offense it was Albergamo and Andolsek etc. In 85 he got Hodson and 86 the only player of note was Harvey Williams. The core came in 84 but a lot of the key player...
Both are very similar in terms of production value. I like Bridges partnering up with Khrangbin a few albums back. Kiawanuka used to have a full jazz like ensemble with him. His music reminded me of a late 60s early 70s vibe for some reason...

re: Zach Bryan @ the Dome tonight

Posted by KiwiHead on 7/26/24 at 8:02 am
$27 for nachos and 2 waters...
Correct. The Federalist Papers were nothing more than a series of Op/Ed's by mostly Hamilton and Madison advocating for a tighter more robust Federal Government since the confederation that was in place proved to be entirely too weak and largely ineffective. In the end they are persuasive essays....