Favorite team:LSU 
Location:Pearland, TX
Biography:LSU BSEE '60 - Aerospace 35yrs - Photographer
Interests:genealogy - history - camping - golf - hunting
Occupation:retired high school math teacher, aerospace engr, photographer
Number of Posts:43532
Registered on:8/3/2005
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[quote] just keep trying to understand what i'm saying.[/quote] sorry - obviously you have devoted hours and days poring over numerous information sheets, done some original computations, consulted with many experts -- We are just trying to understand what you are saying without having to dupli...
any references or links to explain any of this??? your text is pretty hard to follow. ...
Anyone start feeling like Moses did when he came down from the mountain with the tablets containing the 10 commandments? Watching everything devolve to the most evil, gross, and dysfunctional mediocrity possible is disheartening. My life is almost done - I weep for the future that my 3 fanta...
[quote]Christopher Wray is a colossal piece of shite.[/quote] I never knew anything at all about him until the confirmation hearings - he sounded like a complete dufus with his non-committal answer to any question at all. He has upheld that opinion from me ever since. But I now think he is ve...
[quote]I can go into a lions den outnumbered. You just sit here with the rest of your pack, jumping someone like in those videos of people getting beaten up by a gang. You're not strong, buddy.[/quote] oh stop it. you can come here because we are not like your natural habitat - we welcome differi...
[quote]Trump, a lifelong DEMOCRAT that somehow shifted to the right in the twilight of his life. You think Trump cares about anyone but himself? He just wants power and fame and the pussy that comes along with it. You're a frickin retard, and you've leaned into it for years.[/quote] oh go to hell ...
Bernie Bierman - give it a break - :rolleyes: :yack: :moon:...
[quote]Her voting bases will never really be aware of what she does if the biased media never informs them . The power of controlling the narrative is everything .[/quote] /\ THIS /\ is the most important factor in US politics for the past 30 years. Our population has been 'gas-lighted' to the ...
[quote]I have driven almost 1,000,000 miles in 30 years and have hit two deer. I hit both of those deer within an eighth of a mile of each other. Years apart.[/quote] Pretty much same here - I was driving from St.Louis to Leesville LA back in early '60s. I had a 1960 Ford Galaxy 500 and they had li...

re: Sure seems odd

Posted by ChineseBandit58 on 7/25/24 at 1:11 pm
[quote]Democrats have always been the party of racism[/quote] plus hatred, mendacity, violence, fat cats, & masses of dependents,...
[quote]If he needs to stay on the teleprompter more often then so be it. His meandering, folksy, generic talking point speeches and answers in interviews are fine for the base, but that shite isn't enough to convince anyone else and broaden his support. He can have all moderates running from Kamala a...

re: New Swing state polls

Posted by ChineseBandit58 on 7/25/24 at 9:14 am
[quote]I wonder if this was a calculated move by the Dems?[/quote] no DEM move is not calculated - IF they would plan on helping America half as much as they plan on screwing her or profiting themselves, we'd be a much better country. ...

re: Mortgage delinquencies

Posted by ChineseBandit58 on 7/25/24 at 9:10 am
[quote]In 2008, the national mortgage delinquent rate was 4.2%, currently the rate is 1.8%, which is not even half of what it was in 2008.[/quote] hmmmm - what might have been significant about 2008? I wonder :rolleyes: Is that when the DEM "anybody can get a loan - no need for ability to pay"...

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by ChineseBandit58 on 7/25/24 at 7:33 am
[quote]When Trump announced his candidacy in 2016.[/quote] Donald Trump was formally launched on June 16, 2015, at Trump Tower in New York City. [quote]illegal border crossings were actually at a 50 year low[/quote] The size of the unauthorized immigrant population [b]that arrived since 2010 [/b...

re: Mortgage delinquencies

Posted by ChineseBandit58 on 7/25/24 at 7:13 am
Careful there - the media will show that with the tag = "even unemployed people can own a home under the Biden economy!"...
[quote]So showering with 10 yr olds is now considered ok?[/quote] look Fats - quit demeaning stutterers - I'll take you out behind the barn....
[quote]I am guessing there were red flags before this. Like a married dude with a child and a wife just deciding to abandon them to try to become a woman. Red flags like that.[/quote] I had to read this far to even know what the hell this was atll about or who this was. I am now satisfied I do n...
[quote]Second downvote[/quote] mine was 26th - I overslept...
[quote]My only concern is Barry railroads her and makes his "wife" take her place.[/quote] THis was my original prediction two years ago - but my timing was a little off - I thought sure they'd wait for the convention to be over and THEN have to respond to some "emergency!!" = as late as possible...
Didn't need any climbing at all - there is a service door on the second floor of an adjacent building that opens onto a flat roof extension - from which you can just walk over a connecting path to the shooter building. ...