Favorite team:Houston Astros 
Location:Big Momma's House
Biography:Student, Philanthropist
Interests:LSU Football and Soft Toss
Occupation:Kicking Peeps
Number of Posts:61712
Registered on:10/28/2010
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AI girlfriends will never be able to mimick the real thing. The real tragedy is how dating has become deeply selfish and materialistic. Naturally, people are super unsatisfied and constantly rotate partners. ...
[quote]I'm seeing all the responses decrying the fraudster but no one addressing the root of the problem: Why are these things so quickly and readily approved by our government? Who the hell approved her applications for these grants in the first place? Does no one in our government check anything? ...
[quote]He wrote a bunch of pro Evergreen columns. You cant really get any further left than Evergreen.[/quote] Okay you got me. That's absurd. That "school" is a shite show....
If you read this guy's X posts then it's not totally clear he's that leftwing. He says he leans liberal but was very vocal about Bidens feeble condition prior to his election and spent a lot of time lambasting leftwing press for gaslighting people about it. It's possible he's a bit of a Matt Taib...

re: 2045/2025 Kit Thread

Posted by tiggerthetooth on 7/25/24 at 3:36 pm
[quote]Hopefully the 3rd kit is better.[/quote] The 3rd kit is already known. [img]http://imgs.search.brave.com/ybABVInGx2qwSdDGPkJ_fnJ1sxTjYJRbeslxY7of0so/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cHM6Ly9ibG9n/Z2VyLmdvb2dsZXVz/ZXJjb250ZW50LmNv/bS9pbWcvYi9SMjl2/WjJ4bC9BVn[/img]...
[quote]My husband had to choose between two people to lay off recently. One had 3 kids, and his wife had recently lost her job. He kept that dude even though the other worker (no kids) was marginally better. Things won’t always look perfect on paper. Sometimes you have to hold your nose and jump in....
[quote]There is a lot of speculation that young children today may be the first generation that could see a dramatic increase in lifespan. I’m not talking about just lengthening time of survival but reversing aging. If they were having kids at a normal rate we may see a serious population problem.[/...
[quote]A better metric is education. More highly educated people have fewer children than lower educated people. It’s not a knock, just a fact and a byproduct of more schooling. The time invested in education means less likely to have kids from a financial stand point at a younger age.[/quote] ...
[quote]My wife and I cannot have children unfortunately. and we have tried everything but adoption. I'm as red as they come and this statement is f*cking stupid.[/quote] Then you should be livid over women like Aniston who could have absolutely had kids but chose Hollywood vanities even with e...
Jennifer Aniston could have had kids but her vanity and narcissism prevented that. She preferred all the material gain and chose that over children. She deliberately made her bed. She could have even done IVF or surrogate per the new Hollywood norm. Spare us the victim angle Jennifer. You're a ...
The person who brings the network hire can be made to look bad if the hire doesn't workout. The DEI hire has no such consequence....

re: Facts are stubborn things

Posted by tiggerthetooth on 7/25/24 at 10:38 am
You are a loswr because you're so gullible and stupid. Dems do this every election cycle. They turn up the shite to 11 when it's not election season and then shut it all down for election season only to turn it back up to 11 once election season is over. You're a propaganda horseshite shill. You...
One thing I've noticed is people have started to completely ignore the boarding pass order and attempt to board the plane before their place in line. I saw a group of 4-5 people attempt this who I assume thought the attendant at the tunnel scanning passes couldn't count or didn't know their ABCs. ...
I think that's completely wrong and it's sad to see an official government office basically endorse flaunting American laws because of feels or maybe the CBO is yet another progressive owned property....
[quote]I just read an article in Daily Telegraph that said he’s out for being too pro Israel, Hamas Democrats and young Democrats will refuse to support him.[/quote] Young lefties don't vote. They never have yet the dems spend over time drumming up rage bait for them to rage about....
Just remove the rose bowl from the playoff. They've always tried to put their thumb on the scale and control postseason games whether it's demanding big 10 vs pac 10 even if it's between 2 shitty teams, or something like this. They'd take a 7-5 USC vs. 8-4 Wisconsin all day over SEC schools. ...

re: 100% pure evil

Posted by tiggerthetooth on 7/24/24 at 7:22 am
She's an awful person but he was weak enough to actually do it. That woman wasn't even worth divorcing his wife, much less all the things he did. He was a weak person and committed acts of unspeakable evil. There has never been, and never will be, a woman attractive enough to convince me to ...
[quote]He works 8 shifts per month and make about $350k[/quote] I assume these are max 12 hour shifts? Seems like a massive scam....
[quote]I keep seeing this but I don't think it's as hard as many think. Take Nevada for example. The governor (who I think might be Dem) declares an emergency executive order for placing Kamala on the ballot and the state legislature follows it up with a 2/3 majority vote to confirm. Case closed, He...
[quote]What does it matter? They’ll just change whatever they need to. I’ve seen this play before.[/quote] Because it still needs to be pointed out. Lots of dems didn't even know the Hunter Biden laptop existed. Point it out. Make them see it and approve of it. Good to let them show t...