Twins right-hander Cory Lewis has not yet made his MLB debut, but he has, however, mastered the knuckleball. Check this out...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: MLB
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ThatTahoeOverThere13 months
I was more mesmerized by the amount of big leaguers that were struck out by the slow pitch.
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Sput13 months
My jayxxon would rock that shite so deep
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Mr Happy13 months
I wasn't mesmerized.
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danilo13 months
“ has not yet made his MLB debut”. That’s an understatement. He’s in A+ ball
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heypaul13 months
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au734213 months
The way to catch a knuckleball is to wait until it stops rolling and then pick it up.

Bob Uecker
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Saunson6913 months
I feel it's extremely hard to make it in MLB as a Knuckler. All I can name is Tim Wakefield
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FullFontE13 months
Phil Niekro was one of the best in my day. Wakefield was great as well. Fun pitch to throw!
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uptowntiger8413 months
The Mets had RA Dickey for a while.
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VolunGator13 months
RA Dickey threw his knuckleball all the way to the 2012 Cy Young
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Martini13 months
All of you knuckleball enthusiasts here I suggest reading Ball Four, Jim Boutins diary of the 1969 MLB season while he tries to stay in the majors with his knuckleball. Better-listen to the audiobook because he reads it and dear god it’s funny. And he was pretty much blackballed because of it.
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CanebreakCajun13 months
Idk know why more pitchers don't knuckleball. If you good at it, you can play until 154 years old.
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chinhoyang13 months
I'd smash that ball all over the ballpark.
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prplhze200013 months
That's what you think
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MUMFORD13 months
3 pitches. 3 whiffs.
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tiggerfan02 202113 months
Now we all know you have never actually tried to hit a knuckleball.
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TouchdownTony13 months
Its so odd. Had a guy in high school who threw this and it would come at you at 45 mph but the bat just seemed to not be able to touch it. As soon as you had a bead on it it would move.
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ChEgrad13 months
My son has an absolutely useless skill - a knuckleball football throw and it is absolutely amazing how it moves.
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Timeoday13 months
I have seen a knuckleball drop 90 degrees six feet in front of batter and not bounce.

They defy physics.
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ncinthenext313 months
I hated trying to hit the drifters.
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Arkapigdiesel13 months
I throw this to my boy in the back yard all the time. He grins every time he sees the motionless seams headed his way.
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ROPO13 months
Filthy. And knuckleballers can throw 150 pitches a game
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