New York Yankees star shortstop Derek Jeter retired as a 14-time All-Star with five World Series championships. His resume off the field is just as impressive...

(The Spun)
Filed Under: MLB
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Anyone got a link to Sinatra’s list?
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Jack Ruby29 days
Hannah Davis was basically the winner of musical chairs. She just caught him at the end of his playing days when he finally wanted to retire and get married.
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Drizzt29 days
I believe he famously gave them all heroes too. Jessica Alba said he lied about having it.
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Drizzt29 days
Herpes. Damn autocorrect
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Kracka30 days
I've seen better dating rosters in the quad
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Play_Neck29 days
I haven't
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Quite an impressive of counts
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jmarto11 month
That man knows what first rate poon is
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Parrish_Dawg1 month
So he's not into blondes.
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TigerB81 month
Damn, he already got 3 of my top 10.
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ShakeandBake1 month
Yeah Jeets!!
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CAD703X1 month
What am I missing? I don't see a single name
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cajunmud1 month
Bottom right
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WillieD1 month
BoomerDroppings comment of the day
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Skinny1 month
Jeter and I were very similar. But my roster was waitresses, cashiers, bartenders and CNA's.
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theballguy1 month
Mine were mostly at the truck stops :\
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BabyTac1 month
HE’S A BIRACIAL ANGEL! You should’ve shot A-Rod!
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LSUtoBOOT1 month
Dude could go deep in the hole, easily complete a DP, and swung a pretty good bat, not to mention the homeruns the guy could hit.
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Woodlands Tigah1 month
Looks like he went deep in a lot of high quality holes!
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skrayper1 month
I hear he was also really good at baseball.
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Tigerstark1 month
Doesn’t he allegedly have the herp? Where in the timeline did that taint the rest of the timeline?
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Longhorn Actual1 month
For Jeter to give others Herpes, someone had to pass it to him. Which one of these dirty girls was it?
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cajunmud1 month
About 75% of the world population has that shitt. I kissed a girl with a fever blister in 7th grade...bam...still got it.
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Honest Tune1 month
Oral herpes and genital herpes, luckily for all of us, are two different beasts.
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makersmark11 month
World famous, handsome, rich athletes date hot women? Who knew?
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