Favorite team:Alabama 
Location:Shall Not Be Infringed
Biography:From Mobile originally but have lived in NC, GA and LA. Nominally Catholic but have great respect for other religions except egoic Evangelicals and Islam. Politically moderate (fiscal conservative) but voting for Trump (what other choice do I have?
Interests:Bama and SEC football.
Occupation:Computer and comics guy
Number of Posts:3691
Registered on:10/3/2011
Online Status:Not Online

Recent Posts


re: Crank up the bird flu

Posted by theballguy on 7/26/24 at 2:46 pm
This is where RFK shines....
It might hurt Truth Social a bit. But, why not do it until the election is over at least?...
[quote]But I'm still shocked by the folks who tow the party lines just because. Any D can't think we're better off now than 4 or 5 years ago. [/quote] Those type of people just think they didn't vote (D) enough....
[quote]This team will absolutely 100% not make the post season and that’s probably a good thing. [/quote] Or worse, make it and get beat right away....
Overran the frick out of that one :lol:...
The bullpens are cooking tonight....
Always Yea Alabama But not ours? I do like LSU's TD song the best followed by Auburn's TD song they seem to only play infrequently these days. Their Working on the Railroad is way better than Georgia's. Then outside the conference is probably Michigan's and USC's. [embed]https://www.yout...
[quote]No, there should be like a 6 month rule. And chicken needs to limit to one by IP address. [/quote] Yep....

re: Worst QBs to win a national title

Posted by theballguy on 7/25/24 at 5:14 pm
[quote]Jake Coker didn't do anything in the NFL, but he had one great college season when he won the NC...kinda like Joe Burrow did. [/quote] Well Burrow made a Superbowl. Not sure Coker got a cup of coffee tbh....

re: Worst QBs to win a national title

Posted by theballguy on 7/25/24 at 5:13 pm
[quote]You didn't even name the worst Alabama QB to win one. [/quote] He still hasn't. You can tell OP didn't start watching til about 10-15 years ago....
When they play Miami now, it will be Convicts vs Convicts. Congrats ND. :casty:...

re: What I was taught at the U of A

Posted by theballguy on 7/25/24 at 4:40 pm
[quote]The question now is are the SEC refs still going to help Bama now that Saban is gone? [/quote] If you really believe that, what are the SEC refs motivation in "helping Bama"?...
I like Huckabee but she needs a lot more ozymbpic....

re: Anybody Cancel their Netflix Yet?

Posted by theballguy on 7/25/24 at 4:14 pm
Never had it, never will....