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Location:Colorado Springs
Interests:Bama and SEC football.
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Registered on:10/3/2011
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Lee Greenwood gonna have to change some lyrics.

re: What schools are the SEC "Mids"

Posted by theballguy on 2/8/25 at 1:19 pm

That’s funny, I just wasted a bunch of energy looking up Missouri’s recruiting ranking and it’s exactly what I thought….bottom of the SEC and around #20 nationally….MID…stupid idiot made me waste my time when I already knew you were full of speculating crap

Why do you LSU fans sw

re: What schools are the SEC "Mids"

Posted by theballguy on 2/8/25 at 1:18 pm



I don't think so.

That would be too costly as the US would lose all it's western ports. One of the most strategic items of the US is that we have three oceans loaded with warm water ports.

Better to just send Californians packing to either Canada or Mexico and keep the state.

A guy with that much money is not motivated by govt kickbacks into his pocket. He might want to become famous and get lots of adoration. I've got no problem with that.

This is a challenge more than anything for Musk.

re: When Will Charges Begin?

Posted by theballguy on 2/7/25 at 7:59 pm
Wrongdoers will be charged when they get charged. Let the man do his job.

What happened?

Seems I have to say this every other day on this board:

If it's my guy, it's ok.
If it's not my guy, it's not ok.

That is politics in a nutshell.

re: US Military vs The Cartels

Posted by theballguy on 2/7/25 at 7:52 pm

They're not totally hapless and should not be underestimated. In the right circumstances they can definitely ruin your day.

Definitely not over the long haul.

No one on the planet can beat a focused US military over the long haul.
My only regret is that I wish there were more Afrikaners in the world.

They are great people :usa:

None of the action steps President Trump is doing right now would have ever occurred under a second term with Kamala.

Not a single one though she would have signed an EO saying that natural women cannot participate in women sports anymore.

Seriously, how will they top this week? Makes you wonder.

I'm not getting tired of it so far :dunno:

re: US Military vs The Cartels

Posted by theballguy on 2/7/25 at 3:20 pm
US Military definitely doesn't play like mexican military.
It's hilarious. Only the left does this and no one gaf. :lol:

so much PE investment this day and age is BS to begin with.

re: USAID is LITERALLY shuttering.

Posted by theballguy on 2/7/25 at 2:58 pm

Lease the building!

Use it to bring in the wfh's.


Decrepit VOR

:lol: :cheers:
She should be arrested for harassing government employees who are doing their job.