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Location:Buffalo, NY
Number of Posts:36395
Registered on:1/13/2010
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For real though, those cookies in the plastic tub are from Wegman’s and they’re fire. ...
[quote][b]Fee badl[/b] for you though[/quote]How in the world did this typo happen?!...

Favorite/Least Era of Music?

Posted by yankeeundercover on 7/12/24 at 2:41 pm
I can’t stand anything after MAYBE the early/mid-90’s? But I’d say 95% of my listening come from 1960-1975… Sadly, there was a brief period when music as a whole was just trash and that was around 1975-1984ish… Look at the billboard for those years and it’s a sad sight. ...
My wife and I chose the Palisade Calligraphy over the XC90. One hundred percent satisfied. ...

re: Good boat name

Posted by yankeeundercover on 7/2/24 at 1:14 pm
If Peter Pan shite is hip, I guess? :dunno:...
The dude picking up the other kids hat and making that last kid wipe was the biggest dick move I’ve seen in a while. Watch twice. [link=(https://x.com/fafo_tv/status/1806349266618839300?s=46&t=Gb9em7wwQOdR9_-Cx9X7ag)]LINK[/link]...
I’d move to Mexico, Mexico for $1M...

Good boat name

Posted by yankeeundercover on 7/2/24 at 12:33 pm
Just thought of a great boat name and had to tell someone. “Straight on til mooring” That’s all. ...
[quote][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zD9kzGk8/24459-A-the-whole-object-of-travel-is-not-set-foot-foreign-g-k-chesterton.png[/img][/quote]Winner. Thanks. eta: how come no one guessed ol’ GK?!...
It’s not verbatim, but it goes like this: “Go and seek foreign lands for as long as it takes for your homeland become foreign” or something like that… Sounds like Stevenson, but I wanna be right. ...
[quote]Any basic general geographical information available[/quote]I remember it was like a wooded town/area… I want to say think Western/Central NY because there’s trees and such… Foresty woody grassy type geo loc...
[quote]Renaissance Festival in Hammond.[/quote]Definitely not ...
I don’t remember where I heard about it, but there was like this town that had some annual festival and over the years the tents became huts and then the huts became little cottages… They’re all super colorful and all quaint and shite and I can’t even think of what the festival was for… it was lik...
That sounds like the plot of Beavis & Butthead… “Uhhuh.. your cat needs to die” “yeah, yeah.. cat for sale too!”...
I want to confirm that there aren’t any words in any English dictionary anywhere that come before “B”… Like, the “Omega A Word”…...
You’d be better off GIS’ing the pics you want with “vector” in the search and you’ll find all of those in vector format in seconds. :thup:...