LSU running back Trey Holly took to social media on Saturday night to speak out after he was arrested on Thursday in connection to a shooting that took place on February 9 in his hometown of Farmerville, La.

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Following his arrest on Thursday, LSU said in a statement that Holly had been indefinitely suspended.

Holly and two others face three charges three felony charges, including second-degree murder.

The former four-star prospect from Union Parish rushed for 110 yards and one touchdown during his true freshman season.
Filed Under: LSU Football
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1912 months
I hope, for his and his family's sake, that he isn't involved. frick football. This is a kid's life.
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy12 months
He may not have pulled the trigger, but he certainly had a role
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cheeto22512 months
Were you there? Sounds like you had a role as well.
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CDawson12 months
A similar situation cost Lael Collins millions of dollars. Hope the kid is smarter than being in a position to be involved in this.
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KING NOLA12 months
My friend was charged with murder because he wore a red hoodie the same as the killer, it’s crazy because we heard the shots and went about our business. We were in the park watching a basketball game when police swarmed us from every angle guns drawn and screaming orders, made us come from the bleachers, laid us on the ground cuffed us, threw us in the back of separate cars with what felt like for hours. Mind you know one is explaining to us what is really going on, I didn’t find out what was happening until I was at the station talking to the detectives who inform me that my friend was being charged with murder. I tried to explain that in their timeline it was impossible because we were together but the detectives didn’t want to believe me, his mother had to spend money on a lawyer and eventually the lawyer got statements for the neighborhood places we were at during their timeline and their investigation fell apart. Who knows what would’ve happened to my friend if I wasn’t there, it could’ve turned out way different. Believe it or not people the innocent is behind bars right now and innocent until proven guilty don’t exist for a lot of people, only guilty until proven innocent. Hopefully Trey Holly truth is told and he’s cleared before it’s to late.
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mla010012 months
Most individuals, in a case of mistaken identity, aren't subsequently charged with 2nd degree murder. Bail was set at over $50 K, seems like his explanation is a little over-simplified. Wishing him the best, though...
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KING NOLA12 months
Well maybe not most but there is damn sure a lot of people lockup for mistaken identity, trust me, way more than you care to believe, and yes on 2nd degree murder, even murder.
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SwampyWaters12 months
Time will tell, but something tells me he's not as innocent as he claims. It's not every day someone gets charged with attempted second degree murder in their own house. I hope he's innocent, but it doesn't look good!
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Jdixon12 months
If he was falsely accused hopefully he’ll be cleared of all charges soon.
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Spankum12 months
For him to be arrested on murder charges, someone must have implicated him. He needs to forget about football…it means absolutely nothing when fighting for one’s life.
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mcspufftiger712 months
This happens more than you know. Innocent till proven guilty used to be the case. But he possibly has some friends from the hood that can get you involved in situations you normally wouldn’t be in. Hope that’s the case and he just needs to make better life decisions.
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tucoco12 months
That's why you separate from your childhood friends when you start off your life going to college and all as a big time student/athlete and all. Because, if you continue to be boys with them and all of this crap, stuff like this happens to you by you associating yourself with them. I know you don't wanna seem "fake" to your friends like they are quick to call you when you stop hanging with them. But man screw them because they will bring you down. SMH
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PeleofAnalytics12 months
"Innocent till proven guilty used to be the case." I freaking hate this saying. I get what the phrase is supposed to get across but it makes it seem as though the jury or judge has some magic gavel that turns you from an innocent person into a guilty person. You are guilty if you did it. You are innocent if you did not. There is no decision or judgement made by other people that changes a person from innocent to guilty or confirms their innocence. It also implies that there is nobody "guilty" of a crime if no one has been proven guilty in a court of law. Nobody is guilty of killing OJ's wife and that Goldman guy i guess. Gotta find a better phrase than this illogical cliche.
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CanebreakCajun12 months
I pray this is 100% true. If it is, that DA needs confirm his alibi and drop this now.
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tucoco12 months
I hope he is 100% innocent too, it's just a bad situation all the way around. The fact that the woman that was in critical condition died is really bad because now it's murder. SMH
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cheeto22512 months
Not if he wasn’t involved. But being as it happened at his home, I’m sure all it took was one person that didn’t like him to implicate him. Plus, anybody who was involved will likely lie about who was involved in order to get a better plea deal/lesser charge. Plea deal are BS since you’re believing a CRIMINAL to indict someone.
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Hondo Blacksheep12 months
This is tough. Reading between the lines there is something wrong here. You don't generally get picked up for murder when you were chilling at home, especially someone like this known to everyone in town.

He needs to be quiet now too -even that X post can waive the fifth, you don't get to plead your case in the court of public opinion but not later in a court of law.
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NotaStarGazer12 months
"when you were chilling at home" I don't know what happened obviously but if you notice, the incident happened at that house also. So yes, it is possible to have something happen very close and you not be involved.
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alschroed12 months
When you hang out with thugs you can have bad things happen to you. Bad friends can take you down.
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LSUBlitz12 months
How old are you??? You should know by now not to assume shite it makes you look like an arse in the end. You don’t know any facts but yet you have an opinion! Y’all need to stop this shite now.
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tucoco12 months
He has a point, man, and it has nothing to do with being "how old you are". SMH-LOL That's just stupid of you to say!
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chaso12 months
And you get downvoted, figures. Hopefully the people that throw negative light are those alabama fans(hired bots) that still work for them and purposely stir shite! Unfortunately we do have some D. A. & racist so called fans
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Timeoday12 months
I pray this is true and he can recover substantial civil awards for being falsely identified, accused, and arrested. Where's Gordon?
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LSUPilot0712 months
Regardless he’s most likely lost for this season, the justice system wheels turn painfully slow. Not trying to degrade the importance of the situation by talking about football, just stating the obvious. We will have to find an extra scholarship RB from somewhere. Doesn’t need to be a day 1 starter, that’s Jackson, but we need a guy that can be that 4th RB.
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CanebreakCajun12 months
Remember Ed Ingram? Took almost 2 full years for DA to drop charges.
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Jdublsu12 months
Similar thing happened with Clyde... his story turned out great. Hope this for Trey
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slackster12 months
Not similar at all actually.
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pitchandcatch2712 months
That's why people should not jump the conclusions. You are innocent till proven guilty. Looks like TH will be back for the Tigers. Full support.
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Hawgnsincebirth5512 months
Jump *to conclusions. Not “The conclusions.” Btw him saying he’s innocent doesn’t mean he will be back for anyone. Now that being said he is innocent until proven guilty and we simply need to wait either way before making a decision
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lsuoilengr12 months
Amazing how quick a lot of people threw him under the bus. Would not surprise me at all if he is found innocent. I hope he has a good lawyer tho. Burden of proof is on the prosecution I believe
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ColdTurkey12 months
I pray this is true. He has so much damn potential it'd be such a waste.
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SOL212 months
No way he was involved
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TBoy12 months
Well, ok. That sets the stage for the investigation. Hope this gets sorted out soon and that the persons who were shot have full recovery.
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