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Location:Gods country
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[quote]nosedive the last month+[/quote] they’re 2 games back of the pennant and leading the wildcard :lol: the copium in here is real! The empire is back baby!...

re: Legit WYHI Twitter thread

Posted by Hawgnsincebirth55 on 7/25/24 at 7:11 pm
Looks like paint. I mean if you like black chicks she’s probably right up your alley. Objectively not ugly. ETA: much better than some of the whales the body positivity movement bullshite has pushed as “plus sized models” in swimsuit editions. ...
Most of these women will reach their early 30s and then they’ll start getting the baby fever. Biology is undefeated ...
I’m not going to argue with you anymore: clearly you have your belief and I have mine. You aren’t actually trying to refute anything I say you’re just making separate points. I won’t disagree that a man who would leave a child after a few years is doing the kid a favor but it’s still going to affect...
[quote]Why not later on? It seems to me that the argument in favor of allowing men to opt out of parental obligations is just as applicable after birth as it is before. And the effect on the kid is no different.[/quote] because it will have implications on the child who knows that their parent up an...
[quote]So you’re really OK with a dude being able to decide, for whatever reason, under any circumstances, at any point during a child’s life, that he’s not going to support his child?[/quote] nope never said that. I said if he fricks a girl then finds out she’s pregnant and decides he doesn’t want t...

Any Red Sox fans in here?

Posted by Hawgnsincebirth55 on 7/25/24 at 8:22 am
How does it feel to get a 20 piece dropped on you??? :lol:...
[quote] so I don’t have any sympathy at all for a rich dude who fails to exercise discernment and picks ho’s and gold diggers to sleep with out of the sea of women he could have chosen.[/quote] and any beautiful woman can sleep with any man she wants too and I don’t have any sympathy for her picking...
[quote]Group work is an issue IMO too. The amount of group work my child did in class last year was ridiculous. Kids need to be able to learn on their own & not depend on collaboration.[/quote] this shite is forced on a lot of teachers. ...
I wonder what the demographics are to these schools. There might be a correlation. ...
[quote]So do some PAT’s just miss regardless of everything being in line?[/quote] if you hold down the button until it goes into the red there is an accuracy penalty ...
[quote]Clowney would have been fun at DE.[/quote] clowned was on the last game and he was. Absolute beast ...
That would’ve been completely OP on a video game. Talking guys that were solid but not actually record setting in their day. First that comes to mind is dk metcalf. Video game metcalf would’ve been unstoppable. ...
Just won 90-79 on heisman with Hawaii. Defense is hard ...
[quote]will get a crucial stop and it never fails the same guy on my punt return team will rough the punter in a key situation. Drives me nuts.[/quote] just trot out a normal defense. You won’t be able to return the punt but at least you won’t get a roughing ...
[quote]Inability to edit player ratings (even recruits) is killing dynasty mode for me.[/quote] why? The whole point of playing dynasty to me is recruiting to build your team up. If you didn’t do a good job building it that’s on you. I’m glad you can’t edit in dynasty mode ...
The Kansas running back is really fast...
Anyone have issues joining online dynasties?...
[quote]U sure?[/quote] there’s a reason I said slowly :lol: ...