Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
The LSU Football program vacated 37 wins from 2012-2015 as a self-imposed penalty after receiving a notice of allegations from the NCAA back in March of 2022.

The wins were vacated because former LSU offensive lineman Vadal Alexander competed while ineligible his entire career. Per The Advocate:

LSU self-imposed the penalty in its response to the NOA, which the school received March 2022. The penalty remained confidential until the final ruling was released Thursday.

Alexander was ineligible because his father was paid $180,150 in funds embezzled by former head of the Our Lady of the Lake Foundation John Paul Funes. According to the case decision, they were introduced in early 2012/early 2013 by the LSU assistant athletic director for football operations.

Funes, the panel said, offered to employ Alexander’s mother at an OLOL hospital and his father at the foundation. Though Alexander’s father received recurring payments for almost five years, the decision said, he worked no more than five events.

The infraction was considered a Level I violation.
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Filed Under: LSU Football
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Barbellthor15 months
Lol don't care
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blueboy15 months
Whoever thought that guy was worth 180k is the real criminal here.
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NorthSider7215 months
How can I apply at OLOL?
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timm697146315 months
I miss les he was truly more , I dont go to to LSU football rant anymore , you cant make those people understand any thing !
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caliegeaux15 months
I wonder if Leslie has a want to want those wins back.
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lil 7thward15 months
Big V !!!
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TutHillTiger15 months
And when can we expect Alabama to vacate their wins?
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Jabontik15 months
frick alabama but lets just stand and take responsibility and not try to immediately cry "what about him?"
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SouthernInsanity15 months
I think it's safe to that LSU didn't even get its moneys worth out of V. Alexander.
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Tiger in Texas15 months
F you Less Miles!!
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gemlsu15 months
Totally bullshite… what happened does not warrant a loss of 37 wins. frick that decision.
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Jester15 months
Who cares, though? I enjoyed every one of those wins, and I'll forget they were vacated by next week.
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Giantkiller15 months
This is fricking bullshite.
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sml7115 months
37 wins in 4 seasons is a pretty incredible run. Sucks to have it end that way.
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Geaux Guy15 months
It’s just an asterisk man. No one cares.
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baobabtiger15 months
LSU was hard to watch those years. Jefferson, Jennings’s, ect. Don’t care.
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VaeVictus15 months
37 wins = offensive output in 2011 ncc game vs Bama. Good job Les.
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6R1215 months
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dirtsandwich15 months
How many of those wins were against Alabama?
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timm697146315 months
With proper fan support Les would have won most of them !
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Sofaking215 months
Wonder if all the Facebook moms will cry about this like they did for him to keep his job.
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BozemanTiger15 months
Does Leslie have to pay back his salary? Would seem fair.
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swampwiz15 months
A sad day for the LSU Family.
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CanebreakCajun15 months
You can vacate win, you act like Darius Guice didn't play for us. Doesn't matter. We know what happened.
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