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It's getting crazier out there, folks. Two moms started brawling it out at a roller rink in Colorado Springs after one mom took a plastic skate trainer from the other mom's disabled son. Per KDRO...

Colorado Springs police say one man, Alfredo Arguelles, was arrested and charged with third-degree assault. He has since been released from custody.

Police haven’t released the identity of the second woman in the video, but she reached out to KRDO and said the video wasn’t accurate. We asked her for further comment, and she said she would be consulting with a lawyer before issuing a statement.

Here's how it started...

Monique Reetz said she was knocked unconscious and said the fight on Saturday was over a plastic skate trainer for her disabled son.

Reetz and Alana Arguelles are seen in the video wrestling to the ground at Skate City at 1920 N. Academy Blvd. in Colorado Springs. Then Arguelles’ husband, Alfredo, is seen in the video joining in by stomping Reetz in the face.

“It felt like lightning bolts in my brain,” Reetz said. Reetz said her 13-year-old son Raymond was diagnosed with leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disease, at birth. He wears hearing aids and can’t do normal things that other kids can.

Reetz said she got her son a skate trainer to help give him support. But she said Alana Arguelles took it from the child when she asked for it back.
(Busted Coverage)
Filed Under: General Sports
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NPComb63 months
Feral Animals
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WhoDatNC63 months
Rednecks gonna redneck....
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TaderSalad63 months
Alfredo needs the rusty shank
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RileyTime63 months
fricking sad. That poor little girl at the end. My kids will never see me in a physical dispute in a fricking place built to have fun.
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ShakeandBake63 months
Because you aren't a trashy piece of shite like those 'parents.'
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SomeLSUguy63 months
The little girl at the end... it tugs at the heart strings. Makes me want to take Alfredo to Coach O's "fishing hole."
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MindRiot63 months
Beating women is second nature to these Aztec border jumpers.
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TygerDurden63 months
“One must usually go to a bowling alley to find women of this stature”. Hobson
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Martini63 months
“Good luck in prison.”
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Martini63 months
“Bathing is a lonely business. Unless you are a fish.”
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kjanchild63 months
Nothing more unattractive than two women fighting! If I was a bystander, I would have beat the shite out of that coward guy!
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jpcajun63 months
Big tough guy behind the computer screen aren't you?
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NorthTxLSU63 months
it says this happened in colorado, but are we positive this wasn’t in alabama somewhere?
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vodkacop63 months
What a chickenshit fricking piece of shite coward that scumbag was.
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GeauxtigersMs3663 months
I hope someone went to jail! The child at the end is what these 2 and the dumbass husband don’t realize. That’s not what you teach kids!
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Breauxsif63 months
Alfredo Arguelles “You have to go back” gif
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dagrippa63 months
Need a someone to stomp on a woman's face? CALL THE A-Team. We dig holes for you to shite in and stomp on women, ese.
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autauga63 months
Plaid jacket with his nose in his phone. "Nope."
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razthecat63 months
The fight between the two was pretty much on the up and up until big coward stomped on ol girl's face.
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Tiger Prawn63 months
Yep. Real POS
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dagrippa63 months
garbage humans and the coward piece of shite guy that stomps on the womans face.....fricking wypipo
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Jwils63 months
Animals! And the little girl at the end!
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Placebeaux63 months
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Giantkiller63 months
Ugh. I don't care who's on what side of the argument, throw that dude in fricking jail forever. What a shitbag.
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Philippines4LSU63 months
Now GK, you have to keep in mind that trash has different values. You have to respect their heritage and stop with your cultural appropriation. Just appreciate them for what they are.
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Trumansfangs63 months
The big brave man stomping on the woman's face while she was down. What a hero !!!
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