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Watch Two Moms Beat Each Other Up At Colorado Springs Roller Skating Rink
by Larry Leo
November 6, 201928 Comments
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It's getting crazier out there, folks. Two moms started brawling it out at a roller rink in Colorado Springs after one mom took a plastic skate trainer from the other mom's disabled son. Per KDRO...
Colorado Springs police say one man, Alfredo Arguelles, was arrested and charged with third-degree assault. He has since been released from custody.
Police haven’t released the identity of the second woman in the video, but she reached out to KRDO and said the video wasn’t accurate. We asked her for further comment, and she said she would be consulting with a lawyer before issuing a statement.
Here's how it started...
quote:(Busted Coverage)
Monique Reetz said she was knocked unconscious and said the fight on Saturday was over a plastic skate trainer for her disabled son.
Reetz and Alana Arguelles are seen in the video wrestling to the ground at Skate City at 1920 N. Academy Blvd. in Colorado Springs. Then Arguelles’ husband, Alfredo, is seen in the video joining in by stomping Reetz in the face.
“It felt like lightning bolts in my brain,” Reetz said. Reetz said her 13-year-old son Raymond was diagnosed with leukodystrophy, a rare genetic disease, at birth. He wears hearing aids and can’t do normal things that other kids can.
Reetz said she got her son a skate trainer to help give him support. But she said Alana Arguelles took it from the child when she asked for it back.
Filed Under: General Sports
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