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re: GMT

Posted by Breauxsif on 9/27/23 at 9:49 am
dph what’s up!
[quote]BATON ROUGE - The East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office is investigating an alleged road rage incident that ended in gunfire off Siegen Lane Sunday night.

Ashley Mitchell said she was driving on Siegen when a black Acura with tinted windows was tailgating her. She said she pulled over
It’s a small price to pay for some Poboys and festivals.

re: Poor Poor NOLA

Posted by Breauxsif on 7/23/23 at 7:24 pm

The New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) has lost so many officers in the past several years that the department was considered to be “partially dissolved” in both 2021 and 2022

Well would you look at that, this MusclesofBrussels bitch is going through my post history daily. Logged on right now, what an incel loser. This bitch even looked up SuperTaint and his wife on LinkedIn :lol:

I’m sure he’s looked up their property taxes as well. What a POS
When you get pulled over, how does the police officer react after seeing your Hispanic last name?
[quote]I've started looking at stuff to train myself prior, and getting kind of psyched out that I won't be able to do it, and that maybe I gave off the impression in the interview that I was better at Excel than I really am. I was, however, honest that I had no SQL or SAS experience, and even said

re: Dave and Busters NOLA

Posted by Breauxsif on 7/22/23 at 12:40 pm
“The city is better than ever”- Draconian Sanctions

C Denise Marcelle the next mayor of BR :lol:

Myron Daniels will be the next Chief o

At least you provided some evidence to why you think so. I say it with confidence because of the current administration. Have you read some of the measures they’ve already implemented?

Do you have any specific links that highlights the measures the current administration has implemen

re: GMT

Posted by Breauxsif on 7/22/23 at 10:59 am
Cheyenne WY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Baton Rouge

Ours is 2.375%. It would sting to sell right now. I know we probably won't see those rates again though.

Yup, glad we refied as well. The Chinese are still buying up homes en masse with cash in my state. I couldn’t imagine spending 40% of my income on a 7.5%, 30 yr fixed rate on a ho

[quote]The second person killed was discovered at the complex already suffering from critical gunshot wounds.


Basically all of BRPD showed up from a few pics
Interesting perspective from Allie’s Dad, for sure. Isn’t there an off duty BRPD cop in the parking lot of Stabs? I remember seeing an unmarked unit with blue lights parked, facing the entrance of Stabs when I was in BR last year.


It’s a damn shame the Supervisor didn’t arrest his arse for DWI. From what I read it made it sound like MP pissed off a multitude of people who were gunning for him. When you think about it, the a-hole was getting drunk at Churchill’s at Citiplace and driving all the way