Favorite team:New Orleans Pelicans 
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Registered on:5/29/2018
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Hey BoarEd, check this out: https://youtu.be/4RJ_goxuRbQ Object doesn’t appear until 0:12 mark, but watch until the end. It’s only 0:32. I personally filmed that in March of 2007 in Covington, LA. Saw it 15 straight nights & filmed the video on a Blackberry. Then-roommate witnessed it too. ...
They know that unless they are actually arrested and put on trial, it won’t matter because the media won’t report anything reflecting poorly upon them....
My fricking business partner is such a GD idiot. A vendor with whom we do a lot of business and from whom we buy several of our bestselling products called yesterday to offer us an opportunity to buy what’s left of remaining quantities of some of our core products before calling other customers. H...
[quote]And there it is. The reason a single-payer system fails is because the Socialism aspect of it changes the dynamic from the system answering to the customer (and thus needing to be more responsive) to the customer answering to the system.[/quote] I agree totally with everything in the artic...
1. Looters (Gov’t, bureaucrats, lawyers, etc 2. Moochers (those in your 1-3) Maybe not proof but I’d go with my list personally,...
[quote]He’s become way too insubordinate and openly mouthy about his dissatisfaction with the Dem party. The goon squad was going to be dispatched to get him at some point. He’s a white male so they’ll have no problem sacrificing him to their gods.[/quote] Ah, thanks. Confirms my above theory. ...
Maybe Chris had a moment of clarity and refused to read what he knew without a doubt was 100% propaganda? This seems to be standard discipline for those aligned with the DS and the Left when they step out of line. I wonder if there’s any motivation behind this that is completely unrelated to w...
[quote]solid, reasonable ideas[/quote] Yeah, those are a no-no among the left. I hope the author isn’t from China because publishing that is literally a death sentence....
A black friend I’ve been (relatively) close with for nearly 25 years has a steady job for the first time since I’ve known him, and has for the past 18 months. He’s even developing (legit) side-businesses. This is a guy who was shady much of his life and did time for selling drugs. But he’s working 4...
[quote]He'll be on the Supreme Court by then, for life. [/quote] I’d be happy with that so long as it doesn’t come at the expense of the White House....

re: Back That A** Up!!

Posted by Philippines4LSU on 2/29/20 at 6:00 pm
[quote]Lil Wayne and Eminem’s “Drop the World” is a tribute to Atlas Shrugged[/quote] [img]https://i.imgur.com/bkTXcfS_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5kUS9yT_d.jpg?maxwidth=640&shape=thumb&fidelity=medium[/img] I’m actually right about this. ...
[quote] would like to see laws have a 20-30 year sunset so that successive generations can decide if they want to keep them. Just like our antique 1916 Tax Code. Just suppose it expired every 30 years unless Congress voted to continue it. The way it is now, we are governed by a system set in...
[quote]I knew it was Cardinal Sarah before I clicked on the thread. He would be a great Pope. [/quote] I just hope there’s another Pope and that whoever it is isn’t a Jesuit....
[quote]brokered convention expected[/quote] So it’ll be Trump v Hillary again?...
I hope not. At least as of now. Americans are weary of political dynasties after the Bushes and Clintons. It would be a risky move, and with as dangerous as the left has become, if they win one more Presidential election America may be done for. To me, it’s too much risk unless he develops a Yuge...
[quote] would love to see Cardinal Sarah become Pope. It is time for an African pope.[/quote] I’d be happy with any non-Jesuit, non-communist, non-globalist Pope. The prophesies of Saint Malachy have the current pope being the last pope — ever. [b]Pope John Paul I was murdered by Jesuits the n...
He’s right. It’s also the reason why US Aide to developing countries needs to be tied to some form of incentive for the ruling government to use in a way that sparks economic growth that builds upon itself. Maybe attach caveats and conditions that the aide is to be used to temporarily subsidiz...
I’m 100% against abortion, and I’m all for disregarding laws that serve no purpose (or only a corrupt purpose), as well as laws that are just stupid. I wish lawmakers at state and federal levels had to repeal a certain percentage of all new laws created during a legislative session. There are way...
[quote]Hmmm, she has high cheek bones. Must be an Injun.[/quote] I love women with high cheek bones. It’s a trait that keeps them looking young without the use of fillers. I have way more Juvederm in my own face than I’d like to admit, lol....