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[quote]WSJ Poll - Harris tied with Trump [/quote] BTW she's still in her Dem media coronation bubble. Let's let the smoke clear a little bit and see if she drops. I think this is her intro bump into the foray and once people realize what they're working with, I think you'll see them come around....
[quote]My point is the media is all in for Harris. Our independent press is lost….and it is scary.[/quote][img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/EfnOW4LjUhwAAAAC/first-time-james-franco.gif[/img]...
[quote]Any of the newest NBA rights partners could try to hire the entire cast—effectively recreating Inside the NBA on a different platform.  Prime could build its NBA studio coverage around the Inside the NBA team. With a market capitalization of $2 trillion, and more than 200 million subscribe...
Story is making the rounds pretty good. [link=(https://nypost.com/2024/07/26/lifestyle/louisiana-nurse-naacp-baton-rouge-vp-ymine-mcclanahan-kicked-out-of-stabs-prime-steak-and-seafood-over-her-too-revealing-outfit/)]New York Post[/link] [link=(https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-13673363...
[quote]Knowing / working for one of the co-owners for years, almost no chance this happens [/quote] Ah. Well at the very least, this should certainly be very entertaining to watch then. I'm just glad I don't have any financial interests involved. ...
[quote]If Stabs apologizes to the NAACP I will never eat there again. [/quote] I don't think they will have to apologize directly to the NAACP. But if they double/triple/quadruple down, you still may not be eating there a whole lot longer anyway. They should meet with them, meet with this woman,...
One night me and the fam were looking for boiled crawfish on the way home from somewhere and saw they had them at Roux 61 - aka the old Mulates over on Bluebonnet. The table next to us had a young couple eating. The woman ordered a strawberry margarita and then proceeded to send it back 3 times. Lik...
[quote]If true how does this move the needle? [/quote] It helps. [quote]Do RFKJr voters flow to Trump upon endorsement? [/quote] Some will....
[quote]How do you feel about the city picking its name, seal, and city colors by unelected city officials with no involvement from the citizens? [/quote] I don't care. I'm just happy it happened. Now we just need our taxes that we pay to our shitstain, thieving neighboring city so we can finally...
[quote]Can you please provide the link? [/quote][link=(https://apnews.com/general-news-3400f56255e000547d1ca3ce1aa6b8e9)]AP News[/link]...

re: Kamala says no to debate on Fox

Posted by Giantkiller on 7/25/24 at 6:50 pm
Trump agreed to all of Biden's bullshite rules last time. It's their turn to come to the table. Trump needs to be out there mentioning all this publicly too.. Kamala needs this debate as well. Make her work a little for it. ...
[quote]Melania Trump[/quote] [quote]near-nude pic[/quote] [img]https://media1.tenor.com/m/ZykHOca_E2AAAAAC/mark-cuban-shark-tank.gif[/img]...
The dress wasn't that bad. But more importantly, did Stabs really need this smoke? I know it's Bocage so they probably think they're above it...but it's still Baton Rouge. They're fricked. About to be some South Park Jesse arse kissing involved. ...
As soon as it comes out that some Dems crossed the isle, we'll lose 4-5 GOP reps' votes for it because they're retarded. ...

re: Monticello in Baton Rouge

Posted by Giantkiller on 7/25/24 at 9:52 am
Maybe the party will be like that BBQ that's going on when Doughboy gets out of jail in Boyz In The Hood. I don't care what side of the isle you're on, that party looked pretty great....
She's 100% going to be the nominee. So if you're planning for some other strategy - stop....
For a good while now, I can't really conjure in my mind a team with one dominant RB. I can't think about the Reggie Bush era at USC without remembering how good Lendale White was on that team....
I’ve been there as a kid… ran all over the fort. It was cool. You wanna see something nuts? Launch Google Earth on a pc and click on the little clock in the tools. See how much property has disappeared from grand terre. There used to be 4 big buildings close to the beach that are now all gone....
These people up here talking like any of this bullshite even remotely matters. I may run for school board just so I could get up there one day and just say "None of this shite matters. Do y'all know that? None of it. It's pointless. Nobody is going to save this piece of shite..."...
Wait, did she just say Lamont Cole was running for superintendent now? ...