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Registered on:9/29/2009
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This question actually needs to be directed at Arkansas. ...

re: SEC Championship Game Tiebreaker

Posted by TygerDurden on 10/16/24 at 1:36 pm
I can imagine there are scenarios where not going to championship game may be beneficial. ...
So another movie with a 110lb woman throwing 230lb men around like rag dolls. ...
[quote]Florida is the most inhospitable. [/quote] This…made one trip there…won’t be a second one. ...
That pesky 1st and 2nd amendment is tough to get around for the progressive / socialist / leftist agenda. ...
Very interesting as the same can be said about LSU when Texas A&M ran i kickoff back for a TD at Kyle dukes in the early 90’s I think. LSU after that kickoff return went down very quickly to a 2-9 season. ...
[quote]you'll have to search for it to hear about it.[/quote] Isn’t this the truth. Mainstream US media will have some fluff storylines about fast right agitators and they quickly move on. So many screwed up hotspots around the world that the Brit situation is being overlooked. Will be interes...

re: Going out to eat overrated?

Posted by TygerDurden on 8/4/24 at 6:35 am
[quote]We eat out pretty much every meal of the week [/quote] Wow that is a lot of dining out ..,I assume because you said “we” that means at least two people…you mind sharing how many dollars that adds up to over one year ? ...

re: Massachusetts will go broke

Posted by TygerDurden on 7/30/24 at 5:38 pm
Something is up with the math in this article just how in the hell can 50,000 illegals drain 1.8 trillion from Massachusetts in 2 years? Someone will have to explain that one to me….anyway welcome to party Yankees. It’s ok for the racist border states to have to take this in the rear end but funn...
The irony of this occurring in California where they worship “clean” technology is something to behold. ...
Can someone fiscally much smarter than I explain how we as a nation get out of this without the complete reset button being pressed either intentionally or not? And by reset I mean the total collapse of United States. I have to assume (I can be corrected as needed ) that multiple other countries ...
[quote]He's still not deporting them. [/quote] You truly don’t know how this works. May want to brush up on our existing immigrations laws. ...
I have seen similar scenario after hurricanes. People will sit in a three hour line to get gas when they could have driven one hour away(or less) and filled up with ease. Yeah I know they will burn gas on the drive so if that is your concern bring extra fuel cans. As a society America is made up ...
[quote]Now I just sit in a big office alone all day staring at my savings and counting the days to retirement.[/quote] Lol you are me! ...
[quote]Any chance Pubs can pick up this seat?[/quote] Let me put it this way…If it were possible to calculate the chances of this occurring in negative percentages there still would not be a large enough negative number that you could place in that slot. Hope this helps. ...
If the leak seems to be located in the front floor mats and if you have a sunroof it is quite possible the drain lines that go down the left or right windshield / door pillars are blocked. I had this same issue recently. I fixed mine by blowing out the they drain lines with my air compressor. Just ...
This whole number of shots this punk kid seemingly took doesn’t seem to add up. I thought it was three shots he got off ? Doesn’t this make it now four? Article clearly states this guy was shot twice. This gets more strange by the day. ...
I would suggest this question be posed to long time smokers who are patients at MD Anderson hospital in Houston, My guess is they will give you much better guidance than the OT. ...