Argentina goalkeeper Emi Martinez won the Golden Glove Trophy after his team won the World Cup Win today and just couldn't help himself in front of the world...
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Filed Under: Soccer
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ForeverGator26 months
Gen Z just has no respect for anything or anyone.
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Tiger in Texas26 months
It was uncalled for, don't know what he was thinking. Tasteless, took away from the overall celebration of the win.
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ThatTahoeOverThere26 months
I thought he was gonna start deep throating it
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DrSteveBrule26 months
That wasn't worth it, at least make it count
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Rex Feral26 months
Is he 12?
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KennabraTiger26 months
That whole team is full of children
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He didn’t even deserve that award. The Croatian goalie should have gotten it. He was just a convenient recipient on a champion team.
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KAGTASTIC26 months
They take the video down already? If it weren't for wanting the honky team to win I would have wanted to see this guy lose. He's that "guy". But he is good.
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Flashback26 months
It was well thought celebratory move.
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Wabbit726 months
Should have went and taken it from him right away.
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NPComb26 months
Hmm.. homeboy has some issues
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BobABooey26 months
Palm Sunday
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tiggah198126 months
dude seems to have a hard time controlling his emotions
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Spankum26 months
Honestly, that was just weird….
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy26 months
He will fall off a building
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CaptainJ4726 months
Knowing the people there he won’t make the plane ride home
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eelsuee26 months
If you don't like the gays, don't watch soccer.
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soccerfüt26 months
This just in:
Texas A&M is considering adding Men’s Soccer
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