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I haven't seen this on news

I heard it on Fox news top of the hour AM radio news. I don't watch news so wouldn't know if anywhere else

And to the article "appeared"...wtf?? The passenger better go to jail too.

Texas House members call for speaker’s resignation after Senate acquits

I'm sure lots of House Repubs are going to try to find a way to get above water for voting to move this sham forward. Would be funny if he did resign cause iirc Paxton called for phelan to resign for being drunk

re: State of the Union

Posted by KAGTASTIC on 9/17/23 at 9:17 am

It’s high time we brought forth the “informed voter” bill to legislatures across the country. You should have to pass a basic civics test in order to vote.

I hope knowing how to read English is a prerequisite in this law. Cause obviously it's not now.

re: State of the Union

Posted by KAGTASTIC on 9/17/23 at 9:13 am
Random...but true. :cheers:

Christianity sets guardrails, based on thousands of years of experience, that our nation was built around. Those guardrails have been widen to pointlessness, so not surprising we are seeing what we are today.

Biden's relationship with his AG Merrick Garland is now in 'DEEP FREEZE'

Shouldn't this "relationship" kind of always be like this cause Democrats have always said that the 2 shouldn't be in cahoots? I'm confused...:rolleyes:

You can’t create your own mess then expect to be bailed out for it. Although that’s exactly what they’ll do.

I mean how stupid must a city be to think open air drug markets would be a good thing. These people are straight lunatics

And yet the people of Nashville just voted in a ma

These Sanctuary Cities can't receive money from FEMA because there is NO declared Federal disaster. No tickee, no laundry.

Last thing the Democrat lead fed govt wants to do is this cause TX is gonna be first in line going in raw with a spiked prick.

On an infuriating side note...


No one should fly a “ Frick Anyone “ flag. We should be a polite society.

I'll tell you what. When the president of the United States isn't compromised by half the world, I'll stop telling the president to frick off.

Not his point. We speak about how society has ero

Biden’s ‘TikTok Army’ received hundreds of thousands from Soros to push left-wing views

Aren't people paid like this required to say so in some way? Thought a notice on their page was required.

If not, sounds like a way to fit "disinformation" like this, cause that is needed to p

The newly approved COVID shot is NOT a booster – it is literally a new (untested) vaccine

No fricking surprise there's unknown shadiness around this shite again.

I remember when police used to wear ties and caps and protected and served.

...and not tatted up.

Euro wind grifters pressing Biden admin for new multi-billion dollar bailout

Frick'em. If they can't produce enough energy to sustain their business model they don't deserve to survive. Go to your home country and get the money if you feel like it's worth it long term.

How many lo

just because you take advantage of rules in place doesn’t mean you have to agree with them. That’s not hypocritical. We all play within a set of rules in society we don’t all agree with. That doesn’t mean you wouldn’t change some of them given the opportunity.

Exactly. That's like sa

alpha male (McConaughey).

No one that has watched him get cucked in 'Lincoln Lawyer' would describe him this way.

re: Congratulations to Ken Paxton

Posted by KAGTASTIC on 9/16/23 at 9:41 pm
Abbott definitely needs to call a special session and get a shite ton of legit conservative power moves thru so they can get started ASAP.

Patrick and Paxton are ready to ride...let's get'r done Wheels!

re: Interesting to watch Ronbots

Posted by KAGTASTIC on 9/16/23 at 9:30 pm

I’m a Ronbot and have zero idea what’s going on with Paxton.

A "conservative" that has no clue what's going on with the strongest conservative AG in the nation on the day of his impeachment trial. Interesting....
To bad it'll be a couple hrs before the next legislative session, unless Abbott steps up and calls one. Paxton wanted/needs more authority to go after Soros DAs, and they didn't give it to him, instead impeached him.

Looking forward to the interview with Tucker, so we can hear what all he has pla

Cali sues oil companies for ‘decades-long campaign of deception’ about climate change

Would be great if this is thrown out 9n day one because they forgot to say "man-made climate change" because the oil companies just say..."how can we be blamed for something that has been happening

re: We aren’t a serious country

Posted by KAGTASTIC on 9/16/23 at 5:18 pm
If she wasn't being obnoxious with the vaping and acting the way she did on the way out then nothing would have come from her getting frisky, but she brought it up on herself by how she responded.

But yeah...women like her are a blast.

Nicole Wallace tells audience, “MAGA is a cesspool of Trump supporters.”

And, Capt obvious??

Imagine being a Dem supporter that thinks this is a bad dig, but having a bunch of trannies as their supporters isn't a bad thing.