ESPN's Laura Rutledge Admits It's 'Incredibly Difficult' To Cover College Football Today
© Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports
Laura Rutledge bounces between the NFL and college to host NFL Live and SEC Nation for ESPN. During an interview on Puck's The Varsity podcast, she admitted that it's "incredibly difficult" to cover college football during the NIL era...

"I cover the NFL daily. When I transition out of college and into the draft coverage, there's a ton of crossover because I've been covering these (college) players all year long," Rutledge said, via Awful Announcing. "When we hit like July, SEC Media Days, August range, I'm thinking, 'Who is on what team? What is going on with this?'"

Rutledge recalled coaches telling ESPN in pre-game production meetings that players who entered the transfer portal withdrew and now planned to play. They had to scramble to reconsider players "off our boards

One coach said he tried to get his freshmen recruits to school early because the scout's team's defensive linemen were all in the transfer portal.

Despite these challenges, Rutledge remains an advocate for players getting paid.

“From our perspective, it's so minor compared to what these coaches are dealing with, but it definitely makes it more difficult. I truly understand when fans say it makes it harder to root for my team. Who am I actually rooting for? Because so much of it changes," Rutledge said.

(The Spun)
Filed Under: SEC Football
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user avatar
kywildcatfanone25 days
It's difficult to be a fan too
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LSU1SLU26 days
wait so she is complaining because she has to actually watch and keep up?? Not just like a side gig?
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HarryBalzack26 days
I'd be glad to help her.
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TX Tiger27 days
So, she said nothing...who is surprised by that?
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biglego27 days
I think the portal is a bigger problem than NIL.
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Luke27 days
Oh no… she has to work a bit
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BobABooey27 days
Girls think math is difficult, too.
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Skinny27 days
Its incredibly difficult for me to not have impure thoughts when i see Laura Rutledge on my TV.
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biglego27 days
I often think about her nether regions when she’s on my TV
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HagaDaga28 days
If you see a problem, then say it shouldn't change, then it's pointless to say anything. Women opinions on sports are worthless.
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Stinger_106627 days
Tell us you are an incel without telling us you are an incel.
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PeleofAnalytics27 days
They aren't some mutually exclusive positions she is taking. You can be for players being paid AND believe that there should be a better structure where the players are not acting like there is weekly free agency. It isn't a hard concept to grasp.
user avatar
I can promise Holly Rowe knows about college football than you ever will.
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Stinger_106628 days
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Saunson6928 days
"Despite these challenges, Rutledge remains an advocate for players getting paid."

Yeah, because if they ever dared to say "these players don't deserve the money" considering NCAAF is 75% black, they would get fired on the spot. All the ESPN analysts are just cogs in the machine to say what ESPN wants them to say. I imagine some disagree with ESPN, but they wouldn't dare ever voice that as to not lose their cush lifestyle.
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LSUtoBOOT28 days
College uniforms should no longer show the players names.
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soccerfüt27 days
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conman28 days
Inmates running the asylum in college football.
user avatar
How are the inmates running the asylum? It's the schools that are stealing players by offering them large paydays... Who in their right mind what turn down millions/ hundreds of thousands to play COLLEGE football. None of these kids are guaranteed an NFL payday/career, it only makes sense for them to take the money.
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