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Registered on:10/30/2012
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[quote]Am in Shreveport[/quote]Getting gang sacked? [img]https://npr.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/78e69d4/2147483647/strip/true/crop/634x351+0+0/resize/880x487!/quality/90/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fnpr-brightspot.s3.amazonaws.com%2Flegacy%2Fsites%2Frrr%2Ffiles%2F201802%2Famanda_sutherland_youtube_scrn...

re: Oswald was 24

Posted by HarryBalzack on 7/24/24 at 8:08 pm
[quote]IIRC he only lasted two years before dying of tuberculosis.[/quote]I think that was part of the reason he was eager to do the deed. He had an arm amputated in prison before dying. Btw, I stayed in the Cliff House in Manitou Springs, CO earlier this month. Franz Ferdinand stayed there in ...
That could have been from her leaping to the ground when he came around with the pistol aimed at her. Unless she was an East German olympic shot putter, that boiling water wasn't getting to the deputy's face. ...

re: When being a pirate goes poorly

Posted by HarryBalzack on 7/23/24 at 10:54 am
Looked like a drone hit....
[quote]I can't lie I was lol at the part about finding a 300lber who let him jerk it at the dinner table. [/quote]That's true, honest to God. That guy finally grew up and turned out to be a pretty good dude, but she was long past him at that point. She's had a third kid, by a third guy, now. Thi...
[quote]Swift[/quote]They hired my stripper/truck-driver/hospital orderly sister, the one married to the marine who wanted to jerk it at the supper table. I posted her story [link=(https://www.tigerdroppings.com/rant/display.aspx?sp=75630514&s=2&p=75627187#75630514)]here[/link] years ago. I wouldn...
[quote]We do have an accident problem in America on our roads and hwys[/quote]America has a merging problem....
[quote]If you listen to the video you can hear what sounds like her pouring the water down the sink[/quote]Yep and no reasonable person would drop a pot of boiling water at their feet anyway. Her actions seem completely reasonable. Cop was just pissed that she had fumbled with paperwork and then "re...
How big are your hemorrhoids? ...
[quote]That shite show we saw was ramped up security?[/quote]As I understand it, that building was outside the USSS perimeter of direct control and was supposed to have been secured by local LEOs. Even if true, seems odd that a USSS supervisor didn't check to make sure the locals were doing the job. ...
They implant a lens, I believe. If you don't have cataracts, though, insurance probably isn't going to cover it....
The conference not including Texas. ...
[quote]The Black Widows are pretty bad. Will pursue you relentlessly.[/quote]I sure do appreciate knowing that because most of the people I know just step on them and squish them....
[quote]It's great, only issue for me personally is having to watch out for ant piles...[/quote]Stand back and piss on the mound. It's extremely satisfying. ...
There's a girl down there that'll treat you fair....
My guess is that was the first time Ali Yusuf had shot the gun. ...
Rub some lipstick on the lug nut, press some paper against it, and take the impression with you to the parts store. On the other hand, you could use a mig welder to stick a regular lug on the end of it just to get it off....
[quote]Texas[/quote]One of the worst decisions the SEC ever made. TX could mess up an anvil. ...
Kay Parker and Christy Canyon were both very blessed. Sydney Sweeney has a very odd looking face, but from the neck down, holy shite!...