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re: WNBA May Go on Strike

Posted by TX Tiger on 10/21/24 at 10:34 pm
[quote]the White girl,.. yea that Straight, White girl Caitlin Clark is single handily, 100% the only reason why the WNBA achieved the heights it achieved this season.[/quote]So you’re saying there are a lot of racist/homophobes out there. You know, this board isn’t indicative of the country as a...
[quote] I'm talking about a particular incident involving two people on a bus who are both victims and perps. There is no evidence of that. You made it up. [/quote]There is in the beginning, before the thread took a turn. :lol: And that was my fault. I even said, I think this needs it...
[quote]One sequence. Bro. You see these sequences like 50% of the time in the wnba. Without the athleticism to make for anything exciting.[/quote]This game was in no way indicative of the series, or for that matter - the season. Was it a horrible game? Yes. May well have been the worst WNBA game ...
[quote] obody is defending i You absolutely are. [/quote]Roger, we're talking about two different things here. You're talking about a movement that is trying to talk little kids into doing something that has the potential to permanently damage them. I agree with you on that. I'm tal...
[quote]I was really hoping that this thread could at least unite people this is insane and cant be tolerated, but of course Sammy/Binger and TX Tiger find a way to defend it.[/quote]Nobody is defending it. And I'm sorry for hijacking your thread....
[quote]We know where the problem comes from, left wing politics [/quote] :rotflmao: That might be the most entertaining part of this board. Those of you who continue to argue with posters that agree with you. I have to think that either you're too stupid to follow the thread or you're now just...
[quote]I don’t understand your Deep State reference. The Deep State (Globalists) loves trans ideology. Anything to disrupt the normative family structure, which it sees as an obstacle to its mission.[/quote]Correct. So why are you playing along with it? That's their intention. Anything to divide. I...
[quote] I'm a live and let live kinda guy. I would never try to tell somebody how to live their life. So am I. But I also think child abuse is wrong and should be against the law. What’s your point?[/quote]So do I. What's YOUR point?...
[quote] Pierced Lip, her friend, and people like you who demonize those who are different from you. And there we have it. the tranny apologists blames society for his own dysfunction.[/quote]So if I keep poking you, you'll just sit there and take it endlessly? You sound like a pussy....
[quote] I haven't done anything to anyone. Based on your participation in this thread, I call bullshite. You really want this boy to be made into some brave saint, ONLY because he thinks hes trans.[/quote] :rotflmao: Oh, that's right. I keep forgetting how this board works. If you are...
[quote] a victim at the same time Of whom?[/quote]Pierced Lip, her friend, and people like you who demonize those who are different from you....
[quote] The rest of the board has spent 50 pages making excuses. Bro, you spent almost your whole weekend perpetuating an obvious troll.[/quote]I know. I got suckered in. :banghead:...
[quote] No, they're lifestyles Lifestyles they grow out of by the age of 30. [/quote]Uhh, yeah, that's kinda my point. [quote]Trannyism is not much different.[/quote]Again, that was my point. You're a little slow on the uptake, huh? [quote]These kids will wake up, and hate you peopl...
[quote]a white girl[/quote]Ahhh, I should have known. A racist/homophobic board is going to rush to judgement. Thanks for the heads-up. [quote]You must have voted for this.[/quote]Sorry to disappoint you. But only a fool continues to play a game the Deep State has rigged for at least 100 years...
[quote] So that makes him automatically the sole guilty party in this instance? Do you see anything differently? Was this your kid? You seem extremely invested in protecting this thug[/quote]He's guilty and a victim at the same time, just like the girl. How many times do I have to say t...
[quote] And because of that, the Trans in the OP is being crucified for it. Because he was violent and hurt someone. [/quote]I'm not convinced. I think there were ulterior reasons from a homophobic board. Only one of you has admitted to that. Kudos to him at least. ...
[quote] Excessive empathy.[/quote]Probably right. [quote]Smothering mother syndrome.[/quote] :lol: Well, I'm not a mother, but if I were, who would I be smothering? [quote] You are part of the problem, even as you signal your purported virtue. [/quote]I know, right? I'm not emotionally charged to ...
[quote]bullshite foul call. I guess they are trying to give it to NY.[/quote]It was far too obvious and really ruined what had been an outstanding series up to that point....
[quote] crucified for it Wait, who was the victim in that story?[/quote]As I've stated 15-20 times now, both were victims. [quote]The complaint by those with common sense is less about the boy in girl costume, and all about the prevailing culture created 15 minutes ago that praises that...