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re: Pondering Life With My Situation

Posted on 7/4/23 at 9:55 pm to
Posted by prplhze2000
Parts Unknown
Member since Jan 2007
51630 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 9:55 pm to
Get yourself some form or fashion to Mayo. Had several friends that got nowhere with doctors here and found proper diagnosis and treatment at Mayo. Oeschner agreed to work with the Mayo doctors for one friend.
Posted by StringedInstruments
Member since Oct 2013
18569 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 9:56 pm to

I've overweight if that's what you're talking about but not crazy. I probably would need to lose 30 pounds to be back in my desired weight range for my height and that is some I do want to do. Not sure about strength or VO2. I had VO2 tested several years back but not recently. Body fat isn't great, I know I need to work on that.

You have no idea how much better you can feel until you shed the excess fat, eat healthy, and work on your strength.

And what does “my desired weight range for my height” mean? Because it implies the typical “BMI doesn’t apply me” thinking we see on the OT.
Posted by TheCoastalMan
Member since May 2023
49 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 9:59 pm to

You have no idea how much better you can feel until you shed the excess fat, eat healthy, and work on your strength.

And what does “my desired weight range for my height” mean? Because it implies the typical “BMI doesn’t apply me” thinking we see on the OT.

That's not necessary what I meant, my apologies. I meant I know I need to get to a BMI that indicates I'm at a weight appropriate for my age range. I know that currently I'm not and I need to get back to that.
Posted by StringedInstruments
Member since Oct 2013
18569 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 9:59 pm to

I did OTF (Orange Theory for those that don't know) up until last year. I'm not the type who is easily motivated to exercise so it was nice to just have to show up. I quit last year though as it was too expensive for what I make. It'll be harder but I probably need to see if I can work out more at a local gym, even if it's only for 15 - 20 minutes at first.

Dude, I don’t usually bash any kind of fitness regime because at least you’re doing something. But since you need some serious help, I’ll share some of my notes:

Orange Theory is gay. So is CrossFit, Planet Fitness, and any other weird, cult-like fitness center that doesn’t focus on building muscle and/or aerobic capacity.

Get to a real gym. Read through LSU777’s GreySkull thread on the H/F Board. And get your shite together,

Posted by TheCoastalMan
Member since May 2023
49 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:01 pm to

Long time lurker, but I registered to reply.

Don't give up! If you have nothing to live for, live for others. You talk about being lonely, there are many kids who feel the same. Mentor them. Guide them. Help them find their way.

If you feel that path isn't for you, just live and give. Live through Him and doors will open.

Thank you for the well wishes, from one lurker to another. I've lurked on here for awhile and decided to start posting again recently.

Thank you all for the advice so far. I truly am printing and writing down all of the advice. I do feel like there's more hope for me than when I started this thread so there's some hope. :)
Posted by TheCoastalMan
Member since May 2023
49 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:06 pm to

Wait this guy is a troll? My lord. Why would someone even want to joke about this?

I'm actually not. Every thing I've said is the truth. I guess you could say I was reaching out since I know I need help and can't keep going like this.

Some here seem to think I'm some previous poster who posted about something similar. Maybe they did. I'm not that person and I hope that person got the help they needed.

But I'm not that person and I appreciate your help so far. I've printed out all your recommendations so I can start to implement many of them soon.
Posted by Spankum
Member since Jan 2007
56252 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:08 pm to
Coastal, there are a lot of us that post on this board with a heck of a lot worse conditions than you are describing. It is obvious to me that you are suffering from depression and if that is the med that you are not taking, you need to tighten up.

Otherwise, you have to understand that as you age, you will invariably get health issues and some of them will be chronic conditions. Through posting on this board, I’ve found that everyone else has these health issues too…and some are living with some damn bad stuff.
Posted by VolsOut4Harambe
Atlanta, GA
Member since Sep 2017
12856 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:09 pm to
Faith in God will lead you in directions you never thought of before.
Posted by SlimTigerSlap
Member since Apr 2022
4313 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:13 pm to
Put a woman on the payroll that will tell you everything you want to hear. Eventually, you'll believe it.
Posted by JayDeerTay84
Member since May 2013
9847 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:15 pm to
Work out to a sweat every day for 60 days. Don’t think about anything in the future other than one day at a time.

I’m serious. So any kind of work out for 60 days that makes you sweat for at least one hour. Focus on that.

After 60 you will feel better. Don’t make an excuse. Do it.

The answer isn’t here. It is inside you and the best way to find it is to get to work.

This post was edited on 7/4/23 at 10:16 pm
Posted by eitek1
Member since Jun 2011
2188 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:15 pm to
I had bad allergies. Not just bad allergies, my allergy doctor said I was the most allergic person he’d ever seen. My nose ran almost 100% of the time. I took allergy shots, every kind of prescription and so on.

Personally, I just dealt with it and didn’t let it bother me too much. It was just what I had to deal with and I did. Later on in life I developed Sleep apnea. As with everyone else, I was prescribed a CPAP machine to help deal with those issues.

This was the best thing that ever happened to me. What no one mentioned is that because it has a humidifier, it allows you to breathe filtered air all night. My allergies went away over night. My body just needed a little break each day from the stuff I was allergic to. I now just take a Zyrtec every and am symptom free completely. I never expected that but it happened.

Try a CPAP on really low pressure as an experiment. Maybe your sinuses just need a brief respite each day from the crap you breathe in all day.

Either way, good luck. I will pray that you can find the peace that surpasses all understanding.
Posted by WalkonQB
Member since Jun 2023
214 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:22 pm to
“mental health is commonly tied to physical health“

This is wrong.
Posted by Stonehog
Platinum Rewards Club
Member since Aug 2011
33446 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:25 pm to
Some positive affirmations are a good start. Instead of focusing on the negative things in your life, start telling yourself things like “I am healthy, I am loved, I am happy, I enjoy life.”

At first you might not believe them but if you keep repeating them you’ll eventually trick your mind into believing. The mind believes whatever you tell it.
This post was edited on 7/4/23 at 10:26 pm
Posted by LRB1967
Member since Dec 2020
16262 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:40 pm to

Who is going to want to marry a guy who has medical problems like me?

My cousin just got married. He has had 3 heart attacks and at least 3 back surgeries. His blood pressure and cholesterol are through the roof. He has rheumatoid arthritis and lives on disability. If he can get married, you can too.
Posted by BayouFann
Member since Jun 2012
6880 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:43 pm to
Look up colloidal silver, mullien, chickweed, sea moss and soursop leaves.
Posted by Gaston
Dirty Coast
Member since Aug 2008
39195 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:49 pm to
You should take up rock climbing. I’m serious. All it is…is a fight against death. But it’s beautiful and painful and real. It’s really good to struggle externally…it’s all a reflection of how you really don’t want to give up.

And if you do, just start crying…at least you’ll know to quit working and just cash it all in. Go to an island and drink yourself to death.
Posted by bass
Member since Oct 2016
3913 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:50 pm to
There are 9 pages and counting of concerned people that want to see you turn things around and enjoy your life. I hope that gives you some sort of motivation to help your outlook on things.

Also, forgive me if this has already been asked, but how much allergy testing have you done? You’ve got to get some answers to the chronic conditions you’ve got.
Posted by TulaneLSU
Member since Aug 2003
Member since Dec 2007
13298 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:59 pm to

You sound like you have the blues. And it is good to talk about the blues when they get you down. I am honored you would share your feelings with me.

Know, dear friend, that there are plenty of ladies out there who have the same self doubts. "Why would anyone want to date, love, and marry me?" Whether they suffer from depression, obesity, guilt from past mistakes, self-doubt is part of the human condition for many. And for some, it is crippling. Seek God, the God who he tells us, "Get up and walk." Do not let your self-doubts cripple you. Get up. Walk.

Speaking of walking, go for a walk. There are few things so relaxing, so centering, so natural as is taking a good long walk. It does not have to be rigorous. It does not have to be in a national park or a town. It can be anywhere. Start walking and lose your worries along the way, casting them to the left and right. The longer the walk, the more the worries seem to drop as a large bowel movement after a week's worth of constipation.

Your health matters are quite personal, and none of us knows exactly what they are. However, high blood pressure is something that is quite easily controlled, and once controlled with diet, exercise, and medications, it should not cause any deleterious long term problems. As for your chronic bronchitis diagnosis, was this diagnosis made through pulmonary function testing with and without albuterol or its analogues? If you are a smoker, stop smoking. Damage to the lungs and blood vessels will repair with time -- God has made our bodies in such a way that if we remove a poison, the body can heal itself. If you are not a smoker and have COPD, you may consider asking your doctor to test you for alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency. The novel approaches to this condition, such as augmentation therapy, are miraculous.

Consider changing your diet. So much of the American diet is ultra-processed junk, poisons, really. And if you drink alcohol, dump it all down the drain. Alcohol does no one favors, but most especially someone who has the blues. Those refined sugars and carbohydrates and sweet drinks, they are addictive to your brain. They fool the brain. A diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables will do your body well. Perhaps you could join us over on the Food Board and share with us some of your edible creations. We share there, and most creations are significantly healthier than anything you will buy from a can, box, or restaurant.

Cooking healthy food can inspire you in the art of creation. We are created beings, and in our DNA is the need to create. Consider learning an art, be it pottery or woodworking or painting or writing. You need not become famous or make a living from your creations. Perhaps, though, sharing in the act of creation, you will strike a cord deep in your primordial spirit and see God's face.

One of the modern human conditions many in our world suffer from is isolation. We were not made to be on our own, separated in thought, word, and deed from our neighbors. We were created as being who need so desperately that thing we call community, a community in a real sense, a family to share our thoughts, feelings, triumphs, failures, and mundanities. Arguably our most profound need is the need to know, love, and serve both God and our neighbors. When we focus only on ourselves, our condition, our lacking, our suffering, our loss, we lose focus on both God and neighbor. Becoming involved in a church community or a group that serves others will help you regain this fundamental requirement for joy. As the great Anglican priest and poet John Donne said, "No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main." Find your continent!

When you get down in the dumps, fall to your knees and pray to God that God give you the light. Read the Bible. Read the spiritual classics. Serve the poor, the widow, the orphan, the prisoner. Be generous. And pray always. Become like the widow in the parable with the unjust judge. Pray always and do not lose heart.

There was a Welsh poet from the last century, Dylan Thomas, who suffered from chronic breathing issues and ultimately died of other causes at age 39. He speaks to your condition in that great poem:


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Posted by UKWildcats
Lexington, KY
Member since Mar 2015
17344 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 10:59 pm to
I'm not sure what advice I can offer OP. I'm struggling with the same myself, minus the health issues. The one thing that keeps me from going off the edge is exercising. Just go walk and listen to music. Do it every day. Work your way up to jogging. It WILL help. Sometimes it's the only reason I even get out of bed. But I do it.
Posted by sqerty
Member since May 2022
5346 posts
Posted on 7/4/23 at 11:00 pm to

Psychological Operations and/or Post-Graduate Sociology Experiments

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