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Northern California for the win!! And fucc you ignorant west coast haters!!...

re: Full Delete Diesel Lafayette

Posted by BayouFann on 7/16/24 at 2:47 am
Gonna cost around $5k to have it returned to legal status when you get caught up to! Feds are cracking down. ...
Spurs Warriors Celtics last two titles Mavericks ...

re: Where did the Fireflies go???

Posted by BayouFann on 6/15/24 at 11:24 pm
Pesticides Development Yard/lawn chemicals ...
I woulda go that far but those 8 turnovers in game 2 absolutely cost them that game. ...
Luka had some hideous turnovers last night. Lazy and suspect turnovers!!!...

re: Super Regionals Day 3 Thread

Posted by BayouFann on 6/9/24 at 6:21 pm
Slight evil grin from UF’s catcher just then made me big grin:lol:...
[quote]Most celebrities who go through this problem go through it after they “make it”. They realize success didn’t fill whatever hole they had and it’s even more devastating.[/quote]Logic! ...
[quote]That explains that espn 30/30 about him Maybe he knew at that time Wife and I watched it and I remember her saying, is he dying? [/quote]Wow. How long ago was this?...
I hear ya but booo for not adding this to your post![img]https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.bzR-rAOgoa2yWTg_clCMjwHaFj&pid=Api&P=0&w=533&h=400[/img]...
Dude thinks he’s a wing player and is not fond of playing in the paint!...
[quote]I can’t stand Dabo. But if it’s not LSU I’m pulling for him to win a title doing things his way. frick the NIL/portal era.[/quote]Respect!...

re: KC 25 @ 49ers 22 Final - CBS

Posted by BayouFann on 2/11/24 at 6:25 pm
Definitely illegal. ...