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The Hayride: I’ve Had Enough Of This Bashing Of Mike Johnson

Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:34 pm
Posted by ragincajun03
Member since Nov 2007
21550 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:34 pm

Since the votes over the weekend to dole out foreign aid around the world, coming on top of some other votes for things like renewing FISA, the Right – including a couple of Hayride contributors like Jeff Crouere yesterday and Walt Garlington today – has come out of the woodwork to savage House Speaker Mike Johnson for the outcomes his body is delivering.


I especially dislike the fact that Johnson broke a 212-212 tie on the House floor and defeated an amendment to the FISA bill that would have required the federal government to get a warrant before surveilling American citizens. That was a real disappointment. Following it, Marjorie Taylor Greene, whom I generally don’t dislike but who is ever more clearly fitting the pattern of the fanatical middle-aged divorced woman blaming external forces for her own disappointing personal life, suggested that Johnson was among several members of Congress who’ve been blackmailed by the FBI and CIA and others in the intelligence community.

Then since then, the Gateway Pundit and other outlets on the right have been digging into the checkered personal past of Johnson’s adopted son, who recently was arrested on drug charges in Los Angeles. So there’s your narrative of Mike Johnson who’s corrupted and compromised just like Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan and John Boehner.

And if you want to believe that, I can’t stop you.


Johnson is taking bullets for Donald Trump right now, and if you want Trump to win the election this fall – and if you don’t, you’re such a colossal part of the problem that Mike Johnson shouldn’t even register in the discussion – then you owe Johnson a pretty deep debt of gratitude.

Do we want to rein in the intelligence community and bring things like FISA back into line with constitutional principles? Of course we do. Do we want to do that by trying to pass a reform of FISA that Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden get to have input on?

Are you one of those sweet summer children? Touched by the angels? Bless your heart if you think that’s a good idea.

Donald Trump wants to fix FISA in the worst way. Do you think Trump wants that to happen before he can retake office in January?

Trump also wants to keep Ukraine afloat until he can take office. He’s talked about settling the Russia-Ukraine war and says he can do it very quickly. Well, that means Trump wants to at least hold the line on that war until he can get back into office. If the evidence shows, and apparently it does, though I no longer trust much of anything the regime media or the intelligence community say, that without an infusion of war materiel and supplies the Ukrainian front lines might collapse, then the strategic move in America’s national interest is to provide those resources and get Trump back into office so that he can sort through an honorable and sustainable peace between Ukraine and Russia.


The idea that Mike Johnson is somehow betraying his side by moving aid for Israel to a House vote doesn’t make sense.

Aid for Taiwan is similarly in U.S. national interest.

Ah, yes, but what about Johnson’ previous position that nothing else should be done before the border is secured? Moving those separate aid packages without tying them to border security is a betrayal, isn’t it?

Perhaps. But let me tell you who’s guilty of that betrayal.

His name is Mitch McConnell.

When McConnell sent his lackey James Lankford out to do that awful border deal with Schumer in the Senate, Johnson’s position that the border had to be strengthened before any of these foreign aid things could be done went right out the window. Republicans can’t even talk about the border now without getting hammered by a bunch of lying Democrats who pine for the loss of the “bipartisan border deal.” Which would have surrendered the border to the cartels for all practical purposes and legitimized millions of illegals into the American welfare state. But they know those objections are too deep in the weeds to affect their narrative, which is that Republicans rejected the chance to fix the border.

I said at the time that McConnell was gutting the GOP position. He knew exactly what he was doing, but he didn’t care. And in sending Lankford out to negotiate the store away he was rolling Johnson just like he rolled Boehner, Ryan and McCarthy.

I’ll bet you any amount of money that Trump told Johnson he didn’t want the House to run another border bill. I’d be shocked if Trump’s position right now isn’t that he’d rather have the issue to run on instead of some half-assed “solution” the House sends to the Senate. Especially because that “solution” either gets ignored or turned into a redux of the McConnell-Lankford betrayal, and then sent back to the House for Johnson to suffer a Hobson’s choice between passing a bad bill and getting blamed yet again for the border mess.

[quote]Why do you think Trump is backing Johnson when everybody else is beating on him? Don’t you think it would be a lot easier for Trump to jump on that bandwagon too?

Please try to remember something: Mike Johnson does not have the votes to pass conservative policy in this House of Representatives. He has 218 votes. He can’t command any kind of discipline out of those 218 votes. His caucus doesn’t vote in lockstep the way the Democrats do when they’re told to.

So what Mike Johnson can do is pass moderate policy. That he can make a majority for. In case you don’t know how legislative bodies work, and it seems like lots of people don’t, a Speaker’s primary job is to make majorities for items in front of the body. Now, as Speaker, he has the power and privilege to tint those majorities toward his ideological persuasion, but there are real limits to how far that goes.

Every one of those votes for the foreign aid packages got more than 300 members in support. Every one. Even the Ukraine aid bill got half the GOP caucus voting for it. Holding up votes on those things which all have a wide majority so that you can pass a tar baby of a border bill simply isn’t a workable solution anymore.

The Ukraine package did have one interesting little poison pill in it that nobody is paying attention to: it gives Joe Biden 45 days to deliver a statement to Congress outlining his strategy for victory in Ukraine.

Will Biden comply with that diktat? I don’t know. I know this – if he fails to do it, then Donald Trump has such a fantastic story to tell on Ukraine that it could be decisive in the election. That Joe Biden plowed $150 billion into a foreign war with a nuclear-armed enemy with zero strategy for victory or even getting out?


And honestly, it’s hard to imagine Biden coming up with anything compelling as a strategic statement after two years of a slow bleed in Ukraine. Whatever he says, the comeback is “what have you done to further these aims?”

There is a lot going on here. Johnson’s job is far harder than anything his critics are faced with doing. Am I happy about how things are going? Absolutely not. As I’ve said, he’s in an impossible position and he has no room to maneuver on practically any of these issues.

So essentially, Mike Johnson is punting them until after the election, in the hopes that there will be a Senate and a president who are allies rather than enemies, and perhaps a much healthier majority in the House, come January. At that point he would have the power to do some good for the conservative cause.

Posted by tigersbh
Baton Rouge
Member since Oct 2005
10414 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:43 pm to
Mike Johnson has got to go.
Posted by Lieutenant Dan
Euthanasia, USA
Member since Jan 2009
7203 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:44 pm to
1 coin.

2 sides.
Posted by ragincajun03
Member since Nov 2007
21550 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:46 pm to

Mike Johnson has got to go.

Fine. But serious question:

Does Trump also "got to go" if he was on board with what Mike Johnson did? Because that's what some reports and speculations have alluded to.
Posted by Northshoretiger87
Member since Apr 2016
3813 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:49 pm to
Trump is having to clean up the shite sandwich Johnson gave him.

Posted by Sofaking2
Member since Apr 2023
5183 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:50 pm to
I realize the author and Mike Johnson think he is owed something, but he is owed absolutely nothing.
This post was edited on 4/26/24 at 11:03 pm
Posted by ragincajun03
Member since Nov 2007
21550 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:52 pm to

Trump is having to clean up the shite sandwich Johnson gave him.

Please explain if MJ met with DJT prior to the passing of the bill, and if Trump did help them, as Lindsey Graham claimed.

If Donald Trump is 100% opposed to what took place, why didn't he blast Lindsey Graham after that Sunday interview on Fox News?

I'm just trying to understand the thinking here...
Posted by scrooster
Resident Ethicist
Member since Jul 2012
37958 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 10:57 pm to
I wish an asteroid would take out the entire uniparty while they are in their huddle sucking one another off.
Posted by dgnx6
Baton Rouge
Member since Feb 2006
69203 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 11:16 pm to
Sounds like a limp dick liberal
Posted by ezride25
Constitutional Republic
Member since Nov 2008
24453 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 11:20 pm to
You want me to thank him? Ok then. Thanks for making an impossible amount of debt even more impossibler because Ukraine.

But that’s not even what is overcookin my grits.

It’s the fact that despite whether what he said about no funding for Ukraine unless it includes funding for our own border was genuine or not, there seems to be a hidden force at work within the halls of congrsss that is running unabated and contrary to the interests of the American people and even some of those whom we have elected to represent our interests in those halls.

What I want to know is what happened to make a man of principle (allegedly) do such an abrupt 180 away from those principles at the first time of asking?

Either he was a man of principle who met a price he was unwilling to pay, or he was no such man in the first place.

Which is it? Because it can’t be both.

Either way I’m still getting fricked I’m the arse because of it, and I will not be providing any additional thank yous.
Posted by CGSC Lobotomy
Member since Sep 2011
81075 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 11:37 pm to
Did Bill Kristol or David French write that garbage?
Posted by Giantkiller
the internet.
Member since Sep 2007
20606 posts
Posted on 4/26/24 at 11:53 pm to
Whoever wrote this article is a straight up bitch.
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
11929 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 3:40 am to

Trump is having to clean up the shite sandwich Johnson gave him.

Trump helped him make that sandwich.
Posted by 10thyrsr
Member since Oct 2020
376 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 4:05 am to
Johnson controls what gets to be voted on. He could have stalled the whole process and just not do anything. He didn't. We don't want him to make good legislation because he can't with the slim margins. We want him to stop democrat supported legislation and he didn't. Time after time he let bad legislation come up for a vote. That isn't what a good speaker does when they don't have the votes.
Posted by POTUS2024
Member since Nov 2022
11929 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 4:14 am to
This Hayride author is a cuck like Johnson. How can anyone be a Republican any longer? All they do is lose, make excuses, lose again, make more excuses.

This is today's Republican Party


I especially dislike the fact that Johnson broke a 212-212 tie on the House floor and defeated an amendment to the FISA bill that would have required the federal government to get a warrant before surveilling American citizens. That was a real disappointment.

Especially dislike? That's all he's got? It's a violation of the Constitution. This imbecile acts like he just didn't like what color shirt Johnson wore that day.


suggested that Johnson was among several members of Congress who’ve been blackmailed by the FBI and CIA and others in the intelligence community.

Certainly looks that way. Dude has done a 180.


Johnson is taking bullets for Donald Trump right now



and if you don’t, you’re such a colossal part of the problem that Mike Johnson shouldn’t even register in the discussion – then you owe Johnson a pretty deep debt of gratitude.

I, wanting the Constitution to be followed and for a Republican Speaker to not cave in to every part of the Democrat plan for the controlled demolition of the country is "part of the problem"? This guy gets dumber with each sentence.


Trump also wants to keep Ukraine afloat until he can take office. He’s talked about settling the Russia-Ukraine war and says he can do it very quickly. Well, that means Trump wants to at least hold the line on that war until he can get back into office. If the evidence shows, and apparently it does, though I no longer trust much of anything the regime media or the intelligence community say, that without an infusion of war materiel and supplies the Ukrainian front lines might collapse, then the strategic move in America’s national interest is to provide those resources and get Trump back into office so that he can sort through an honorable and sustainable peace between Ukraine and Russia.

Wow. Stupid and cruel. So we should be ok with sending hundreds of billions to Ukraine while our people suffer, and sanction the additional deaths of 25k, 50k, 100k more people, so that Trump can get in office and take credit for ending that war? And this conveniently ignores the fact that Trump is owned by Lindsey Graham and he's not shutting down that war. Graham will make sure Trump keeps it going.


But let me tell you who’s guilty of that betrayal.

His name is Mitch McConnell.

This serves as no excuse for Johnson.


When McConnell sent his lackey James Lankford out to do that awful border deal with Schumer in the Senate, Johnson’s position that the border had to be strengthened before any of these foreign aid things could be done went right out the window.

Absolute nonsense. Put together a border plan in the House - what the Senate does is irrelevant. If McConnell is a traitor, which he is, then expose him for it. You don't slink away and just quit.


Why do you think Trump is backing Johnson when everybody else is beating on him?

Easy....He's always been a dumbass when it comes to personnel.


Please try to remember something: Mike Johnson does not have the votes to pass conservative policy in this House of Representatives.

No excuse for passing the Democrat agenda. How dumb does this guy think we are to not understand this relationship?


So essentially, Mike Johnson is punting them until after the election, in the hopes that there will be a Senate and a president who are allies rather than enemies, and perhaps a much healthier majority in the House, come January. At that point he would have the power to do some good for the conservative cause.

This is right out of the McConnell / Ryan playbook - 'we just can't do anything right now but if you give us your votes and your money, dagnabit we'll get it done after this election.' Endless excuses, endless losing, while the nation is destroyed one little bit at a time.
Posted by mauser
Orange Beach
Member since Nov 2008
21888 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 4:17 am to

That Joe Biden plowed $150 billion into a foreign war with a nuclear-armed enemy with zero strategy for victory or even getting out?

I know what the strategy is. We tried it in Viet Nam. It's prolong the defense expecting Russia to get tired of their losses and quit fighting. It didn't work in Viet Nam and I doubt it will work in Ukraine. Thankfully, this war isn't being fought with American kids.
Posted by jeffsdad
Member since Mar 2007
21575 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 4:20 am to
Its really odd the Republicans cant have disagreements within its own party. We shouldn't be like the democrat party, where one voice rules and everyone marches to the same drum, no matter how dumb the drummer is. Yeah, I disagreed with Mike, but it isn't the end of the world. Anyways, carry on.
Posted by OccamsStubble
Member since Aug 2019
5124 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 5:40 am to
None of the aid giveaway packages is “in our best interest” if they collectively lead to economic collapse. And, collectively, they will. When they do, asking Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, Haiti and all the others to help us will be wasted words.

Turn the spigot off. Time for the rest of the world to leave the nest.
Posted by TigerFanatic99
South Bend, Indiana
Member since Jan 2007
27810 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 5:44 am to
I legitimately believe tat Mike Johnson is a good person, but he is also a bleeding heart pussy. The CIA prepared a briefing for him on Ukraine and the FBI on FISA intended to manipulate him on passing and he got scared.

Also, apparently he prayed about it amd God told him Slava Ukraine
Posted by dstone12
Member since Jan 2007
30642 posts
Posted on 4/27/24 at 6:36 am to

Does Trump also "got to go" if he was on board with what Mike Johnson did? Because that's what some reports and speculations have alluded to.

Tell me all the things they are allowed in this bill.

If there really is aid to where we are taking gazans in, spying on Americans, etc then ask yourself if Trump would allow that bill.
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