Scary moment during the Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore game today when Steelers QB Mason Rudolph gets knoc
© Charles LeClaire-USA TODAY Sports
Scary moment during the Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore game today when Steelers QB Mason Rudolph got knocked unconscious after helmet-to-helmet hit...
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Filed Under: NFL
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reggieray42064 months
That hit honestly looked like nothing.
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km64 months
They should kick his arse out of the league permanently.
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brewdrees64 months
Yoooooooooo did yall see Mason pointing while falling??? Lol @ #19 falling. Young Man You Got Knocked the F out - *Pops from Next Friday voice*
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TNG8r64 months
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honeybadger0764 months
Motion to permanently ban this brewdrees ^^^ douche
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StupidBinder64 months
It’s called the “fencing response”. It’s one of the signs that someone has sustained a very traumatic brain injury. #19 (JuJu) was smart enough to know how serious this was, but you appear to be proof that there are some very low-IQ types that don’t.
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LSULyle0069064 months
When u see shite like this it makes u wonder how much longer football will even exist
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jdutto364 months
You must not have been watching football 10-15 years ago. This was a weekly occurrence.
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StupidBinder64 months
It gonna lie, if I was watching this live I would have been some watching football for the day. I did exactly that after the WR from Bama broke his leg in the early 2000s (Prothro). Call me a pussy, snowflake, little girl, whatever. Don’t care. Injuries like this make me feel sick. No point in watching after that.
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StupidBinder64 months
Stupid autocorrect. “Not gonna lie” and “I would have been done”. I really wish we could edit these.
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FowlGuy64 months
The ground gave him another lick too
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RaleighTGR64 months
Kid wanted to come to LSU. Miles turned him down.
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OceanMan64 months
Brandon Harris
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bamagreycoat64 months
That was a hard but clean hit imho. That is football.
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keitron164 months
imho you are obviously blind or completely ignorant that helmet to helmet not clean
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jscrims64 months
So a helmet to the facemask/side of helmet is considered an illegal hit. If an offensive player moves before the snap, it is called offsides. There are a lot more rules so you might want to review them since you clearly don’t know them.
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bamagreycoat64 months
Keitron1, you might wanna stick you soccer honky. You’re too soft for football. You must be funny. Not funny haha, funny qwar.
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Vastmind64 months
hit him on the button
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Buckeye Jeaux64 months
Thomas NOT ejected.
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BobABooey64 months
In my NFL, all helmet to helmet hits would be offsetting, by definition. It takes 2 to tango.
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kywildcatfanone64 months
The rule, especially in college, needs work. An offensive player can initiate helmet to helmet just by dropping their head, which they do over 50% of the time.
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Big Sway64 months
What was he pointing at?
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Hangit64 months
Angels and stars.
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keitron164 months
LoL !!! you are wrong for dat
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Vlatket64 months
Signaling a 1st down son
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KANDUUU64 months
That pic of him getting helped off is just epic looking can't stop looking at it and thinking.."Have you seen my baseball?". Ha
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KANDUUU64 months
Glass jaw knockout. Defender get ejected?
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Displaced64 months
No. It wasn't really a bad hit. Just caught him in the right place.
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OU81264 months
Looks like he took a Mike Tyson uppercut!
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brewdrees64 months
Mason looked like Little Mac lol
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Jack Daniel64 months
What the hell was juju doing?
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AtlantaLSUfan64 months
Ran to check on his friend, was so shocked what he saw, his knee kind of buckled.
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olddawg2664 months
At least he went down flipping the bird. Respect
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kywildcatfanone64 months
Saw that, was epic. lol
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bamagreycoat64 months
Ha , nice catch man. You’re an astute observer I gotta say.
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