The Pat McAfee Show is officially on ESPN, which means host Pat McAfee can't swear on air. Whoopsies...
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(The Big Lead)
Filed Under: NFL
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Savagetiger6512 months
What’s up with the hate? Dude has reinvigorated game day.
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ThatTahoeOverThere12 months
I looked up Douche Canoe in the dictionary and found a picture of Pat McAfee
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penman12 months
How could the headline writer possibly know whether this was planned or accidental?
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BabyTac12 months
Guy is an idiot. Nice tank top. Representing everything wrong with America.
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BlackPot12 months
I'm not a huge fan of the schtick, but I don't understand "Representing everything wrong with America"
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ALhunter12 months
If tank tops are everything wrong with America we must be in different Americas...
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deltaland12 months
They really didn’t think it through when creating the hashtag #PMSlive
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genuineLSUtiger12 months
That’s why I like McAfee. He’s real.
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ThatTahoeOverThere12 months
A real douchbag
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TheRouxGuru12 months
OMG HE SAID THE F WORD!!! American culture is so fricking stupid and immature
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financetiger3812 months
Ironic considering Pat McAfee is one of the more stupid and immature people in America
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Domeskeller12 months
Why is it necessary to drop an “F” bomb on the air? Is he incapable of talking without cursing?
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baytiger1112 months
Yes. Other things he is not capable of:
Not wearing gold jewelry
Not wearing wife beaters
Not yelling at the tv
Not getting extremely serious when talking about kicking/punting
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Ssubba12 months
ESPN is on cable, which means ESPN isn't getting fined by the FCC. It's just a company policy.
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Zzyzx12 months
This isn’t true. ESPN would need a language warning before the show and a ratings graphic during the segment for mature audiences
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MSUDawg9812 months
They do air one as it's coming on. It's narrated by "Lou Holtz".
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BlackPawnMartyr12 months
No clue who this clown is but just noticed him the other day on tv. I guess he is suppose to appeal the same trash audience that drive their trucks with the front end raised higher than the back.
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jbird712 months
You’d be correct sir. As well as drunk preppy frat boys.
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Nole Man12 months
He looked so stupid on the sidelines in that tank top the other night. You got guys like EJ Manuel stylin', then this clown.
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jbird712 months
I agree. All that money you just got from espn and you can’t buy yourself a decent shirt?
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Timeoday12 months
Quit watching Game Day because of this Mcafee dude. Hopefully he is gone soon.
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JoeShiesty12 months
McAfee is the best thing to happen to College Game Day in many years. His energy is unmatched
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3PieceSpicy12 months
You sound like a pussy lol
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jscrims12 months
You are the people they want to stop watching Game Day. There is a reason they brought him in. And he is great. Knows his stuff too.
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