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Location:Central FL
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Registered on:7/12/2020
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Love Tabasco. The chipotle and garlic pepper ones are the best. ...
I think soccer started yesterday. Idc either way. I’ll turn on swimming or track if I’m bored but that’s only bc there’s no other sports on. Worst time of year. ...
Didn’t this dude get in trouble for tweeting a bunch of homophobic slurs a few years ago, and now he is a tranny? Sad the length people will go to stay in the spotlight. The last thing I wanna be in this world, esp in the era of social media, is famous. frick that. ...
[quote]bullshite! This is my go to after a hard day of outside labor. When it's iced down nothing is more refreshing and hydrating.[/quote] Oh absolutely. Esp mixed with some pineapple. ...
The first jump street was great second was a forced sequal. Those rarely live up to the hype. ...
This show was boring. And the ending was awful. The undoing was a thousand times better. Also gyllenhall is a horrible actor. ...
Hangover 2009. Could make an argument for the campaign in 2012. But the first hangover is the last comedy classic that everyone loved that I can remember. ...

re: Just Finished The Wire

Posted by jbird7 on 7/25/24 at 7:30 am
The wire is a classic. But Entourage needs to be in that top 5 also. ...
That chick is 22? Looks like a mid 40s lesbian art teacher. ...

re: When being a pirate goes poorly

Posted by jbird7 on 7/23/24 at 10:01 am
Seems like a badass job. ...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GS5cXeUb0AMnl1B?format=jpg&name=small[/img] I’d also do this with Aquafina ...
[quote]How long has she been touring? After a while it seems that would drive a person crazy.[/quote] She seems to be a a workaholic. But she’s busted her arse to get where she is and I respect that. ...

re: Joe Biden is dropping out of the race

Posted by jbird7 on 7/21/24 at 1:31 pm
[quote]Michelle Obama has never shown an interest in running for office. Such a weird fantasy that conservatives like being afraid of.[/quote] I know she hasn’t. But she is very popular and the only person, I could see involved in the Democratic Party, that could win right now. ...

re: Joe Biden is dropping out of the race

Posted by jbird7 on 7/21/24 at 1:21 pm
Agreed. Michelle would be trouble. But anyone like Harris, Prirzker, Newsome? The dems would be better off leaving Biden on the ballot than putting any of them on there. ...

re: Joe Biden is dropping out of the race

Posted by jbird7 on 7/21/24 at 1:17 pm
Not really. Other than Michelle Obama there is nobody on the democratic side that is good enough to win. They’re all well known far left nuts jobs. Unless trump self implodes there’s no reason he shouldn’t be the favorite. ...

re: Joe Biden is dropping out of the race

Posted by jbird7 on 7/21/24 at 1:09 pm
[quote]Campaign funds won't transfer to anyone other than her.[/quote] This is why she will get it. Only she can take the $200m Biden has raised. ...

re: Why is buying underwear so hard?

Posted by jbird7 on 7/21/24 at 8:44 am
Stance butter blend. ...

re: Could you fix her?

Posted by jbird7 on 7/19/24 at 11:04 am
That the chick from euphoria? ...

Delete account

Posted by jbird7 on 7/18/24 at 9:19 pm
Any way to delete an account? I can’t seem to find it anywhere. ...