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Location:Houston, TX
Biography:The Process
Interests:Dominating my opponent.
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Registered on:12/24/2010
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The market has been in a massive bubble driven by the AI/tech stocks. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone....
The sooner the purple pilled realize that Israel wanted this war, and intentionally weakened their defenses as well as placed those international concerts at those locations, the sooner they can become truly red pilled and realize what Israel and what this breeding military really means to the deep ...
Hes bascially signaling to the west that its now or never for their troops to enter the war or the Ukraine proxy will tap as Nato mercenaries. ...

re: Hillary endorses Kamala

Posted by BlackPawnMartyr on 7/21/24 at 2:17 pm
It means they have given up on the President election and are just trying to keep black support for down ticket voting and the future....
He probably wanted donations in order to attend. Those other companies are innovative but they do know how to play the government game....
Im watching it on YT live. Fight! Fight!... Kid is killin it....
[quote] Did he become untouchable to an extent? [/quote] No. I said it months ago. He needs to learn from Carsars mistake that Octavian did. You go all out or you don't. There's no half arse in this arena....
99% intentional. Almost no chance he gets past the perimeter with that gun. Now lets pretend he magically appeared with the gun inside the perimeter, from that starting point nearly zero chance he gets on the unguarded roof with out any help. Combine the two approaching zero percent....
[quote]He wasn't being protected by them[/quote] [quote]but at the very minimum[u] it does appear the SS purposely left that building uncovered.[/u][/quote] So....he was actually being protected by them. Gotcha. :cheers:...
[quote]Yea, there is no way this was incompetence People were yelling at the police to take this guy out for 4 minutes [/quote] Thats a guy who knew he had all the time in the world. Because he was the one being protected by the SS....

re: Secret Service Pussies

Posted by BlackPawnMartyr on 7/13/24 at 9:48 pm
How many small buildings were in that area? Its near zero percent some unconnected idiot sneaks a long gun into that place. Absolutely zero chance he gets on one of those few shed tops without CIA level coordination....
No they are just puppets. Oligarchies above them who want to keep the Nato war with Russia going....
[quote]No. You would have idiots ringing the bell in agreement.[/quote] I dont have any clue what you are saying and i sorta doubt you got what i was saying before you hastened such an ill written response....
[quote]“He has so little faith in our country [/quote] But people would be like.."welll duh"....
Recruited by Cia. Probably has cancer too....
Government tried to take him out cuz he was a threat to their Nato war with Russia....
They are trying to get him killed. Its not just Dems its the deep state which a lot of R's a part of. We are fighting the entire deep state/ globalist apparatus. ...