Video Of Penn State Officers On Horseback Manhandling Students At Tailgates
Rich Barnes-USA TODAY Sports
Like I posted on Monday, Pennsylvania State Police were on a mission on Saturday to break up tailgates prior to the Ohio State vs. Penn State game. Not only were they in the air creating winds to blow over tents and stuff, they were on the ground manhandling students...

(Busted Coverage)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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wesman2171 months
Just some horseplay and a free ride for one student while holding three beers. "We are Penn State"
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Big Bang Rookie71 months
Horses are great for moving thru unruly crowds and the cop can see who is causing the problem and step in to grab them!
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GeauxtigersMs3671 months
Seems like th state police were all over breaking up tailgates. Looks extreme. Were they fighting?
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RiverCityTider71 months
Civility was lost the day General Lee’s Alzheimer’s kicked in and he ordered Pickett’s Charge. And this is what it’s come to. The Northern monkeys running the zoo.
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tigerinthebueche71 months
seems the crowd didn't want to move back as the officers requested. Mounted patrol helped them get in gear. Horses are good at dispersing crowds.
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tigerfootball1071 months
Craft Beer Cops punishing the frat boys for drinking natty light
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Tiger242471 months
Young group of drunk college kids. Probably frat boys. I’m sure they weren’t doing anything wrong.
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Black n Gold71 months
Kid probably told a friend who told a friend who told campus police he believed Joe Pa was culpable in molestation of young boys.
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bigDgator71 months
Can we send them to clean up Capitol Hill please?
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Zephyrius71 months
Frat boys drinking natty light???... Another fraternity probably called the police on them.
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Hangit71 months
Literally Hitler?
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El Magnifico71 months
WTF! Just another reason to fricking hate the police state.
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bootyswamper71 months
Dudes handling dudes. Penn state is use to that
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LesnarF571 months
WTF! Just another reason to fricking hate Penn State.
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