Favorite team:LSU 
Number of Posts:775
Registered on:5/27/2017
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If Kiffin was good at his job he would still have the job at USC. ...
I Don't know if he is leaving or not leaving but every coach says the same type of thing right before they leave! You just cant go by what they say Period! ...
Red Zone tickets has tickets in the $300 dollar zone! Expensive but you are there! ...
I cant go to game but there are tickets for sale under north carolina state baseball at red zone tickets. Ive bought tickets from them before for games in omaha....
Root root root for the Tigers if they dont win its a shame! I Sing the song every time!!...
I think the major hate for Kim Mulkey started when she wouldn’t comment on the Britney Grindr Russian drug deal. That started the she hates Gay players and wouldn’t let that shite interfere with the Baylor basketball program! Its all with the pushing the Woke agenda!...
Clarks 3 point shooting and LSU has no 3 point shooters! That is the difference in the game!...
[quote]Yeah it is pitiful with the record-low unemployment, rebuilding our international alliances, everyone making money. Success on all fronts. The only person not excelling in this strong Biden economy is Trump.[/quote] Dude have you been to a Grocery Store? Yea everything is just Great here! ...
I think they don’t like her because she is flamboyant and in your face intense!...
Bama doesn't need Sabans input. They already have the referees in their pocket!...

Texas State to the SEC!

Posted by Big Bang Rookie on 3/3/24 at 2:59 pm
Are they better than Texas???...
Texas is getting whipped by Vandy! Welcome to the SEC! ...
If he would of froze at third the third baseman would of got the out at first. There would of still had 2 outs with a man at third instead of 2 outs with a man at second. The next batter up got out so still no run would of scored!...
Aw burn I will miss this game because it was always a test to see how good or where our team really stood!...

re: Sherman Act

Posted by Big Bang Rookie on 2/7/24 at 10:40 am
[quote]We should allow high school kids to leave for college without graduating. Let's break up this "High School monopoly."[/quote] Maybe high school kids should get paid like college players. Aren't their schools making money on their talent? ...

Sherman Act

Posted by Big Bang Rookie on 2/7/24 at 10:19 am
I am definitely not a Lawyer, but couldn't the NCAA fight the Sherman Act by opening up and letting players go directly into the NFL. Thus ending the monopoly they have on college football athletes? ...