Comedian (and ND fan) Shane Gillis took a not-so-subtle shot at Ohio State's roster before Monday's College Football Playoff national championship game against Notre Dame...
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(The Spun)
Filed Under: NCAA Football
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mtemplet29 days
His trump impersonations are pretty spot on.
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gringeaux1 month
I like Shane, but come on you can throw out that allegation when ND is back back the Catholic Church.
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Billy Mays1 month
So this guy's entire shtick is saying incendiary shite for clicks and engagement, damned the consequences? Some men just want to watch the world burn, I guess.
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msap90201 month
You do know that 80-90% of all comedy is incendiary right? Thats what makes it funny. If ya can't laugh at shitty or contentious situations then thats on you. Lighten up Francis
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HagaDaga1 month
I hate both schools, but the other guy was right, a Catholic school fan should not be throwing "pedo" or "buying players" shade...anywhere.
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dagrippa1 month
yea thats not great Ohio State
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BlackPot1 month
Gillis is the man. One of the bros.
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bigDgator1 month
This guy seem fairly overrated to me. i guess the kids like him.
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Timeoday1 month
The format changes and the NCAA gets the two most consistently over-rated teams into the Finals. Thank God the fish are biting.
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jeff701211 month
I honestly didn't know who the hell this is until a couple of weeks ago and I still don't care. lol
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TeddyPadillac1 month
I still have no idea who this is, or why I should know who he is. I see his name and keep wondering why a BR serial killer from 20 years ago has become so popular today.
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All you need to do be famous now is have a platform and be obnoxious.
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