Look at you, BYU QB Zach Wilson, taking two cheerleaders to his senior prom...
© Jeff Swinger-USA TODAY Sports
Look at you, BYU QB Zach Wilson, taking two cheerleaders to his senior prom...
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Filed Under: NCAA Football
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Dallasgrowl66 months
What big thighs they have...and not in a good way.
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AUstar66 months
Looks like he's disguising his hard on in the first pic.
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miamitiger66 months
I bet those cheerleaders are into soaking
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DeafVallyBatnR66 months
To go to BYU you have to sign something about not having sex. So if your a true believer like 99% of that campus. Those girls are safe.
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Meaux Bettah66 months
Batter SAFE!
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holmesbr66 months
And I think the beer is moving up from 3.2% this fall.
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Placekicker66 months
The coach made them go with him as a recruiting tactic. QB- “Coach, I’ll sign with BYU if you let me pick out two cheerleaders to take to prom.” Coach- “Done.” Cheerleaders- Really???”
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jmarto166 months
I was coming to post about whether or not this was a recruiting violation
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chalmetteowl66 months
bc no cheerleader would ever be ecstatic to get asked by the starting QB to prom
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Laffy Taffy Tiger66 months
Damn... that's it I'm moving and converting
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dbeck66 months
I'm in the wrong God damned religion.
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LSU Jax66 months
4 5 2 6 3 7 1
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BowDownToLSU66 months
I ain’t mad at ya... damn
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Old Money66 months
Being a Mormon might be the move
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Philippines4LSU66 months
Unless he plans to marry them he ain’t gonna get any. Speaking from experience (with Mormon chicks).
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SneakyWaff1es66 months
Are you speaking from experience as the starting QB of BYU? I gather you're Filipino so probably not...because no one under 5'5" is a QB past the third grade.
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SoulGlo66 months
Uh, you didn't do it right. There are a bunch of freaks there
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HoustonGumbeauxGuy66 months
FFM video is on xhamster
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dbbuilder7966 months
very on brand for a Mormon (amiright lmao). This is very sectist, Larry
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Zappas Stache66 months
I've seen better looking Mormons in the quad.
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Gatorbait200866 months
I've always wondered why I haven't tried the mormon thing...I mean multiple wives sounds pretty awesome
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tigerMike66 months
multiple girlfriends sounds pretty awesome. multiple wives.... not so much. wives spend $, have honey-do's. 1 is enough.
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DivePlay66 months
Hahaha...check out the edgy commentator. Now do Islam. *Crickets*. So brave. So courageous. I say this as an atheist.
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KCT66 months
God bless you.
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My2Bits66 months
Is this allowed at BYU? Isn't this a prelude to fornication? Or are the three of them going to get married first.
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Hangit66 months
No problem. They just ate butts, beans, and wieners, kind of like a BBQ. No sex.
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225Tyga66 months
it looks like the 3 of them are besties
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