ESPN's Darren Rovell tweeted out this picture last week of a Tiger Stadium grooms cake, which was clearly designed by a Texas A&M bride who has to Aggies winning 42-28 on the scoreboard.

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What's funnier? The cake or Texas A&M's 0-6 record vs. LSU since joining the SEC?
Filed Under: LSU Football
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HarryBalzack80 months
Larry's grammar is funnier.
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WhoDatNC80 months
She can dream can't she?
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aTm hasn't beat LSU in football since 'Nam!!
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jnethe180 months
Dream on
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voodooidotwo80 months
She needs to watch more football. A&M hasn't beat LSU since joining the SEC
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BoudreauxinTN80 months
A&M fans in my experience take their football wayyy too to cult level. This is pretty well evidenced in that the bride can’t give her groom an LSU grooms cake without also representing A&M superiority. Run away, brother. Run away.
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shotcaller180 months
Lots of thin skinned corndogs getting their panties in a wad over a pastry
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voodooidotwo80 months
A lot of no life non-fans of LSU spend too much time on a LSU sight.
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Shingo80 months
Sight or site?
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LSUMaverick80 months
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LSU Patrick80 months
Interesting back story. Her previous 7 LSU husbands all divorced her.
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rbdallas80 months
7 ??? that's a hooker for marriage
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KennabraTiger80 months
No pics of wife. Downvote.
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Wolfhound4580 months
Well played.
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BobABooey80 months
LSU was an A&M institution well before Texas A&M. Does TAMU do anything original? Anything positive, that is.
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CharlesLSU80 months
They’re academic pedigree is far superior to LSUs. And, as a community, they are far supportive of alumni than LSU. Be careful making jabs beyond the 0-7 football record......
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touchdownjeebus80 months
Lighten up, ladies. It was a joke and that cake looks pretty awesome.
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LSU-MNCBABY80 months
Suck this tiger dick, bitch!
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mule7480 months
Still taking that LSU dick ... amirite???
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luciouslou80 months
This must be before halftime. Melennials would have already taken selfies and found the exit
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brewhan davey79 months
And A&M would have choked away the lead.
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SECdragonmaster80 months
I find this stupid. Wives that make a joke out of the “one thing” that a groom can choose for the wedding are controlling bitches who will eventually be divorced. Fact.
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joe6880 months
LOL look at the east and west stands lol they look like Kyle Field
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Drizzt80 months
The funny part is she could not find a guy at aTm who actually liked girls. Now she's gonna STTDB.
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IntenseKid80 months
My wife, an ole miss fan, put red and blue icing inside my LSU stadium grooms cake. I got the last laugh though, she’s still an ole miss fan.
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IntenseKid80 months
For clarity, it was only inside the cake. You couldn’t see it until you cut it open.
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tigerMike80 months
Well established that Ole Miss Coeds > Aggie Coeds
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