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go ta hell ole miss

Favorite team:Ole Miss 
Number of Posts:14018
Registered on:1/7/2007
Online Status:Not Online

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This has Stanka’s fingerprints all over it.

Stanka was on the up and up. It was the two party chicks that took ole boy down.

Not his first WWF event.

At least WWF fans acknowledge their sport has predetermined outcomes.
Be aware then June payment comes quicker than it should. I always hate that June quarterly payment being two months after the April payment.

quote: RDDT. Only because I bought at 133 and it's done nothing but go up since.

Flashin' 202 in AH

It’s going to $400.

You say that until we’re all melting down in here after losing a weekend series in April

We’’ll be melting down a whole lot sooner than April. I’d say will see a good meltdown or two by Feb.

At this point you just have to say the refs missed it It happens.

It happens a lot with KC. Kind of like they made a defensive holding call against Philly. Penalty (allegedly) occurred at the LOS/15 yard line and a flag was not thrown until the pass was clearly over Ju-Ju’s head

Those who had the courage to buy today will be rewarded. Probably sooner than later.

I hope you are right. I added a shares today. If it falls a similar percentage in the coming days I’ll add even more. I have not added to my NVDA in a long time. This is too good to pass up IMO.

Why would he?

Conspiracy is about the only thing I can think of.

People put money on girls ball?

If I bet on cricket at 2:00 a.m., I can surely find a fix in some women’s basketball.

Removing the number.

Yeah but he could have played elsewhere?

He did not want to. Kind of a throwback compared to where we are now in college football.


"Spare the rod, spoil the child"

This is thrown around a lot, but not a definitive affirmation that religious texts support corporal punishment. A rod in Hebrew most often was used to mean a Sheppard’s staff. It was used to guide sheep and bring them back in line when th

private sellers these days are out of touch with the market for the most part. They are wanting more than dealers. We see it all the time.

Part of the problem is the dealers gauged them so bad on new vehicles back during Covid, so they are upside down on vehicles they are now tryin

Just throw some boiling water on your windshield. Boom. Problem solved!

You should probably put a disclaimer on this post. Not everybody gets sarcasm around here. Otherwise, there will be some busted windshields.
Any trip to Vegas is a golf week, too, which is why “the show” initially made me think that is where you were going. It is also about twice as large as the PGA. IYDKYDK, and clearly you don’t.

Have fun at your “show.” Haven’t been to PGA in about 15 years. Weather probably not great for golf, b
Jones Sports Co. Players Series (if you walk more) or Rover.


I assumed you meant SHOT Show in Vegas initially.

There is a time and a place for all things. Your wedding day not being the time or place for a comment like that

She was married in front of a judge. This was not some wedding where she spent months trying to lose weight to look different for everyone else than she always looks for
NM, WV, MS, AL, Arky, LA are least happy. Poor people are not as happy. Shocker. So much for the whole money can’t buy happiness.

Also, this poll is racist as the states with the largest African American populations are apparently not as happy.