Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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CDawson11 months
The Big 12 suspends players for doing the horns down sign. That shows you how soft Texas is. We will see if the SEC bends the knee to the vaginas in Austin and bans it in the SEC too.
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Giantkiller11 months
Y'all think that Horns Down is gonna be something the SEC doesn't sanction. But let Texas start dangling some cash in front of the home office and we'll see.
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Cwils222211 months
$17 million fine incoming hahaha
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BobABooey11 months
I don’t think the horns down thing bothers UT that much. It means more as a rival thing when OU or ATM do it but otherwise it seems meaningless. Like when a fan from a school other than Auburn calls LSU “corndogs” or any school’s fans chant “LSWho?” Not very imaginative and sort of just dickriding.
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jbird711 months
If it doesn’t bother them they wouldn’t have forced the big 12 to make it a rule you can’t do it. It bothers them don’t let them fool you.
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NotaStarGazer11 months
As the other poster said, if "horns down" didn't bother Texas then when did they make a big deal about it and get an unsportsmanlike penalty if opposing players were caught doing it. SEC mock the "gator chop" when they are beating Florida. Good luck to Texas if they don't think the horns down deal is going to be widespread when Texas plays an SEC school.
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burke98511 months
Jones is gonna be a monster this year
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LSUNV11 months
Best thing UT can do is not say a word. The more they complain about it the more teams are gonna do it in the SEC lol
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lovinLSU11 months
This is just the beginning of the “horns down” thingy in the SEC,.. LSU just getting the party started …welcome to the Club…
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billfish2111 months
How in the world did ‘horns down’ become an unsportsmanlike thing? Certainly if longhorn fans can throw a ‘horns up,’ other fans can throw a ‘horns down.’ It’s all good fun right?
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jbird711 months
Bc they’re gay.
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billfish2111 months
It’s ridiculous. No one runs home to tell their moms an ole miss fan told us, ‘go to hell LSU’
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NotaStarGazer11 months
Yep, let's give credit for Florida for one time. SEC teams do a mock "gator chomp" when they are defeating Florida at something. You don't see/hear Florida demanding that the mocking of their hand movements stop.
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Bill W Tiger11 months
Texas....we have a problem!
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Morpheus11 months
This dude is on Boss level after he sends one out, don’t accidentally get in his way or he will carry you around the bases
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24nights11 months
Fuk the whorns, GO TIGAHS!!
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TommyDaTiger11 months
Joe Burrow gave it his all but fell a bit short
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jbird711 months
Dudes gonna have some sore ribs this morning. Worth it though. Love the effort.
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CDawson11 months
Well, we know that really isn't Joe Burrow then don't we!
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LSUAce00711 months
I can't wait to see how these guys react to no one in the SEC giving a shite about their panties getting in a bunch over "horns down".
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panzer11 months
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Split287411 months
That fan base is in for a rude awakening in the SEC they are going to get horns down every game nit at home
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