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I’m hearing there’s a cure...
Great way to continue this nonsense ...

re: ANET - Arista Networks

Posted by Morpheus on 7/25/24 at 4:44 pm
I guess if I'm going to report all the highs, I will have to be fair and report the lows. Obviously, lots of the major players in Tech are seeing big drops in the last couple weeks, so being in the Networking and AI space Arista is not immune. Some of these drops, are potentially great times to ...

re: Delete

Posted by Morpheus on 7/25/24 at 3:26 pm
Civil uprising round 2 they try that shite again....
Exactly, no need to add fuel. Be frickin likable Jesus, you are the VP...
Well in order to do that sir, you have to win the vote. Thats our only hope. Got to play the political game at some point and your VP should be doing that currently....
Better for him to play more the middle right now and try and bring middle of the ground voters. Not saying dumb shite that the Smooth Brains get all riled up about. Needs to be a good balance of Trump, not be divisive just like him. Just MO...
Let one of the athletes or staff get raped, robbed or killed and it will be on full display. I hope it doesn’t happen but it’s unfortunately the only thing that causes change is National embarrassment....
Pretty simple, it’s an important time and with more people paying attention to podcasts and media it’s easy to get mislabeled as a political site vs a site that wants a broad spectrum of listeners and topics. Joe is in the Long game. Tucker is almost solely a political talking head so it’s perfect...

re: Disappointed in Trump team...

Posted by Morpheus on 7/24/24 at 11:55 pm
We will see, Trump should win in landslide but we have lots of soft minded and smooth brains out there that would rather a calm lier that someone boisterous and tough on truth....

re: Lee Corso back for another year

Posted by Morpheus on 7/24/24 at 11:25 pm
I get bringing him in for a segment, but him needing to be hanging around getting carried through conversations by Kirk and Desmond gets harder every year....
Ever since Trump, I pay so much more attention than I ever would have dreamed. I think it’s also ironic the older you get and the closer to the end of life you care about it even more. Probably when it should be the other way around and as a young person who is gonna be around to see the results un...
I think the real issue and cutting off friends and family due to political reasons is the fact that the two different sides are totally different people outside of politics as well. Just totally different people. So I understand....
Smoke in mirrors, just trying to reallocate the money. She didn’t raise anything ...
Well to be fair, Z had a convo with Trump and I’m sure it was suggested to figure out a strategy fast. One that has the war over within a year or the monies goes bye bye....

re: Trump agrees to debate Harris

Posted by Morpheus on 7/23/24 at 2:57 pm
Agreed, he just needs to call a spade a spade and expose her results in the administration. Him suggesting that she slept her way to the Top and childish insults will backfire with the folks he is looking to add....

re: Trump agrees to debate Harris

Posted by Morpheus on 7/23/24 at 2:50 pm
How is that? Expose her on her life’s history and what she has failed at in this administration. Fish in a Barrel ...
If we think Biden was tough, Kamala winning the election will be the nail in the coffin for this once great Union. That’s a Fact...
Started 3 months ago for me. Good way to get an idea of who you are dealing with though....