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re: WSJ Poll - Harris tied with Trump

Posted by burke985 on 7/26/24 at 4:37 pm
Oh no the sky is falling ...
It don't fricking matter All that matters is Trump...
Need to burn it all down and start over...
None a woman leading the free world shows signs of weakness ...
I won't lie Endzone seats are hot garbage I never understood why anyone would pay to only see half the game ...
Make sure y'all retards cancel Disney too The CEO is a major donor to the Democrat party. I see little conservatives all over the place getting mad at Netflix yet the same motherfrickers go spend 10 grand going to Disney every three months. If you going to stand for some stand for something don't do ...
I'd rather people not make babies if they don't really want them I don't see a problem with not having kids and I don't see a problem with having 10 kids. Both can be for selfish reasons...
[quote]Someone cheap and take our lumps.[/quote] Then people would have complained that we are cheap and don't want to win and don't care blah blah blah. Can't please everyone you play to win not to tank. ...
Who should he have signed or drafted ? ...
Well I think it's a combination of many things including people now realize the NFL is fake and it's for entertainment purposes. I mean really after the no call game why sit there and get jacked up about a football season when you know at some point you will get screwed by the refs. We had Drew Bree...
Guess I'll just give up and not vote ...
Or they could have given some run support ...

re: How is the S24 Ultra?

Posted by burke985 on 7/23/24 at 7:36 pm
Almost perfect, I am loving it just swapped over from Apple not too long ago. Just got the buds pro 3 and Galaxy watch ultra and both are great also. Don't miss anything from Apple ...
He's literally gotta be perfect to win games with these noobs ...
Well you know why they picked first now, horrible coaching ...
Sympathy for a child molester?? Gtfoh...