Crystal LoGiudice-USA TODAY Sports
On Friday, The LSU Board of Supervisors approved plans to relocate the home and visitor bullpens at Alex Box Stadium to a newly constructed area under the right-field bleachers.

The move will add 160 seats for fans. Here are the details, according to

The measure would also add 160 seats for fans by the left and right field foul lines with the majority of the new seating coming to the right field side.

The right field bullpen for the home team will be moved from the right field foul line to a "newly constructed area under the right-field bleachers." The visitors bullpen by the left field foul line will be moved behind a newly built wall down but will remain down the left field line.

If the proposal is passed, the project's lease would be effective beginning on June 24 of this year. Its projected completion date is Feb. 1, 2025.

Cost of the project is expected to be over $1 million but won't exceed $3 million. The construction of the new seating and bullpen relocations will be paid for by the Tiger Athletic Foundation.
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goodgrin12 months
Finally, it took a non "yes" man to get the bullpens moved away from the foul territories. Still a hefty price tag and the worst part is the bleachers remain, instead of upgrading to chairback seats.
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Portcityblues12 months
A million dollars or more just to build a bullpen area? Does that seem ridiculous to anyone else. I want them moved but that just seems like the way too high price
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theBru12 months
Guess you don't understand how capitalism works in Louisiana. They give it out to bid, highest bidder gets Project, lowest bidder does the work and the highest bidder & politician split the difference...
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ThatTahoeOverThere12 months
The final approval has to go before Stony Brook since they own us.
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24chevrolet4812 months
Come on LSU, Not saying this isn't a good project for the players, But this is not an improvement for the Fans or an Upgrade... How about Chair backs extended down the foul lines. Should have been done when the Box was Built.
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TDFreak12 months
They need to upgrade the bleachers in left field.
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1cajuncook12 months
It’ll never be ready in time.
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DotBling12 months
Damn it, was coming to post this. Nice job! :)
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SlapahoeTribe12 months
Maybe I’m missing something, but how will moving the bullpens add extra seats? Are the seats going on the field? Lol
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Broyota212 months
more bleachers hell yea
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Pepe Lepew12 months
Only 160 seats?
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TommyDaTiger12 months
Yes but they will be the new wider seats. Can accommodate obese people (fat fricks) and will command a premium price.
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LSU Tiger Eyes12 months
That's an expensive "$1-3 Mil Band-Aid"! Nevertheless, my TAF dollars at work.
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LSU82Cajun12 months
Improvement is always great when it comes to LSU. I remember a time in 1982 pre Skip days when I sat in a sadly dilapidated Alex Box stadium. I could actually count the number of fans 2 dozen max at a Tulane v LSU game. Nobody cared about sports except for football & men’s basketball. So making Alex Box 2 better is great
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TommyDaTiger12 months
Was that you baw rubbing one out down the 3rd base line??
user avatar
TommyDaTiger12 months
Wait never mind it was Twillie
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Gaspergou20212 months
The good old days. Just walk up, buy tickets to the cheap seats, and sit behind home plate. The people there thought I owned season tickets for years!
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BlackPot12 months
Everyone's main gripe, and I say all you MF's bitched about bullpen. Now y'all bitching about adding something else. Just be happy shite is in progress and enjoy watching the game. Got Damn y'all never happy.
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stang1412 months
Need some kind of grass burm somewhere around there to give the place some character. Please
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SwampBandit12 months
Why not put the bull pens on the left and right side of the batters eyes, also update that high school looking batters eye, could a concourse around the outfield… these updates won’t out you anywhere close to some of the other sec stadium
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SwampBandit12 months
Jeez I fckd that up
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TommyDaTiger12 months
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Slingscode12 months
They gone frick up the box
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RocketTiger12 months
Would love to see the batter's eye updated as well. It looks like a giant black garbage bag.
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Spelt it rong12 months
No one is every happy. JFC
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Spelt it rong12 months
Ever*. shite.
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Godfather112 months
Name checks out
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Genestealer5512 months
I’m sure left fielders and 3rd basemen are gonna love that wall lol
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TommyDaTiger12 months
Build a wall, sponsored by Trump 2024 campaign. MAGA!!!
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Spelt it rong12 months
No renderings?
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Nix to Twillie12 months
It's a start.
user avatar
TommyDaTiger12 months
Shut up Twill and go work on your POS man cave!!!!!
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Nix to Twillie12 months
You’re a consistent dumb drunk bitch.
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TommyDaTiger12 months
Twill you going to Vegas baw?
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