Former Alabama head coach Nick Saban wasn't just intimidating on the sidelnes, he also brought the heat when it came to is daughter, Kristen, bringing dates to the house. Saban revealed that he would ask "What do you play?" to try and intimidate them...

"When they come and the doorbell rang, and Kristen had a date, everybody ran to open the door because they didn’t want me to open it," Saban said on "The Pivot" podcast with Ryan Clark, Fred Taylor, and Channing Crowder, (first transcribed by On3). "Because if I opened it, first thing I looked at the guy and say, ‘What do you play?’ just to intimidate the (expletive) out of ‘em."
(The Spun)
Filed Under: Alabama Sports
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user avatar
msap902019 days
All I can think of when I read this is the Den of Thieves scene when the guy comes to pick up 50s daughter for prom. Be tough all you want but you aint frickin around in that room with that crowd. "For the last 16 years my daughter's safety and protection has been my responsibility and my responsibility only. Now for the first time I see I gotta hand you that responsibility. Don't frick up or your momma will weep because she has to wheel your arse around every day for the rest of your life. I see you at 11:30"
user avatar
HarryBalzack21 days
"In an hour or two I'll be playing a sloppy, vertical harmonica," sir.
user avatar
Cool McCool22 days
"Do you mind taking Lane Kiffin's sloppy seconds?"
user avatar
patillac23 days
I’d tell him I play bitches like his daughter and expect her home late.
user avatar
Lucky Loper23 days
I’d tell him I play the drums then pick him up by his little midget throat to see who was intimidating who. Haha
user avatar
JEC11923 days
Sure you would…. I bet you’d be afraid to even go to the damn door
user avatar
VooDude24 days
Let’s be real: the only reason you would date Nick Saban’s daughter is to get close to Nick. I’d head straight to the living room to chill out after he opened the door.
user avatar
X123F4524 days
Little old cajun once told me whatever I did to his daughter he was going to do to me. Around the third date we kissed for the first time (she was very reserved).

As soon as I got her home I walked in with a ahit eating grin. And when her dad came around the corner I jokingly said I got a kiss and I want another one. Grabbed him in a bear hug and he thankfully didn't kill me. Laughed. Realized I wasn't a bad guy. His daughter and I broke up a year or so later, but I was friends with her pops until he passed. He was a damned good man.

He probably should have hit me.
user avatar
roll to victory24 days
How many former players did she date?, black dudes that is i'm sure he'd be OK with that.
user avatar
Willie Stroker24 days
I would probably answer “Call of Duty”
Not because it’s true, just to see how he responded
user avatar
What did lane kiffin say
user avatar
Thracken1324 days
was his question on if the guy minded if his daughter would be unfaithful to him....that would intimidate most
user avatar
mcspufftiger724 days
Better than a father I met once when picking up a date. The 6'4" 240 lb father whispered to me that if I didn't bring her home in the exact shape and condition that I picked her up he would kill me. That stayed with me a while.That is until we got drunk and went skinny dipping in the river.
user avatar
jpainter617424 days
Should have told him I'm going to be playing with your daughter tonight!
user avatar
cajunmud25 days
The "class" or "league" the guy is in that she brings around is a direct reflection of what she thinks she deserves.

If he's a squirrel...this is what she thinks of herself...and thus, the ole man's fault for not instilling more love and self-confidence into her.
user avatar
Saunson6924 days
"The "class" or "league" the guy is in that she brings around is a direct reflection of what she thinks she deserves."

Ehhh, lotta ugly losers think they deserve an Insta model, but never get. Lot of people don't get what they think they deserve. At least outwardly aspects. Inwardly ethics, then yes.
user avatar
lsudave125 days
If you raise your daughter the right way you shouldn’t have to intimidate her date
user avatar
cctiger6020 days
lol the church girls were always the wildest
user avatar
Jwils25 days
I'm no Nick Saban but I always asked the same question when my daughter would bring a dumbass around lol.
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Lynxrufus201225 days
Shao Lin. Want me to show you.
user avatar
WilliamTaylor2125 days
I’d drop kick that old son of a bitch as soon as he opened the door - IF I were dumb AND desperate enough to date that moose he calls a daughter. BOOYAH!
user avatar
Furious25 days
That’s pretty funny
user avatar
TutHillTiger25 days
I just ask them if they like it hunt as an excuse to show them my guns
user avatar
3down1025 days
You have guns? Must be nice, I lost all mine in a boating accident.
user avatar
CallmeSteveo25 days
Same tragic duck hunting trip
user avatar
X123F4524 days
Traded all mine in for those cash gift cards and bought rainbow flags.
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