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Registered on:4/23/2015
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[quote]can think of worse things to have happened that may attribute to how shitty today's world is...[/quote] Yeah, I would assume the reading comprehension skills of a third grader is a real bitch....
Please tell me LSU isn't tobacco free now. The 25ft doorway rule was in effect when i left ...
It suddenly occurred to me this morning while sitting in a red light watching a 70-year-old man light a cigarette inside of his mid-80s Cadillac. The moment we removed cigarette lighters from Vehicles consistently it's kind of the moment it all went wrong....

re: Habanero Help

Posted by X123F45 on 7/25/24 at 7:46 pm
[quote]I've done this before and wound up having to put my dehydrator on the back porch when the 2 females came home and couldn't be in the kitchen without coughing and complaining about their eyes burning[/quote] Box fan instead of dehydrator. Put in shower. Turn on bathroom vent....
[quote]BCG with bearing grease.[/quote] My son... Let me teach you the ways of titanium disulfide powder mixed 1:1 with a high moly grease. After a few hundred cycles, it feels like glass....

re: homemade soda water tap/dispenser

Posted by X123F45 on 7/25/24 at 10:36 am
[quote]The Sex Deck[/quote] ...furiously searching post history....
Now that they are legal again can we acknowledge that a cheap as dirt PSA AR with a ti coated BCG with the addition of a few inconel parts, a bipod, drum mags and a rbt is the closest most civilians will get to mag dumping a SAW. Edit: they were always legal. The ATF is staffed by domestic terr...

re: GemTech Suppressed AR Upper

Posted by X123F45 on 7/25/24 at 10:27 am
[quote]The integral 10/22 barrel they have is solid though[/quote] You people have to stop creating ways for me to spend money....
"Would you like to donate to children's hospital?" Yes. But I don't want you to blow the horn. Just quietly please. "How much?" $100 [i]***frantically blows horn in checkout line when receipt prints***[/i] I want a full refund. "....what?" ...
[img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BrwMBH2IIAAnqgt.jpg[/img] Any time anyone starts a group chat I send a few pixtures of this person. And then a picture showing its dick. I hate group chats....
[quote]I’m looking at SxSs right now and Polaris has one for $50k. Obviously that’s not what I’m looking to buy but it’s not just car prices that are getting well out of hand.[/quote] A buddy in port allen bought one. And hit a deer in the first or second week he had it. :lol:...
I'm not an idiot. The wife is getting a used Lexus or a new toyota. :lol:...
[quote]Sounds like a bunch of anxiety/hysteria to me[/quote] Tones around 400hz can really mess with you actually. Something to do with causing a feeling of uneasiness....
When taking my protein intake really seriously I would eat two tubs of the 1% per day. I haven't done it in years. If I ate 64 ounces of cottage cheese now my butthole would look like hiroshima....
[quote]But he has a daughter[/quote] Exactly. Guys with lower testosterone generally have more boys. Higher, more likely to have girls. It's why professional athletes usualky always have girls. And if they don't... They were likely juicing and killed their normal test level. Edit: ...
[quote]average SEC couple[/quote] A shockingly accurate statement....
Is that in rhode island? Swear I've been to that house for a wedding....

re: WYDI? Cadillac Sollei

Posted by X123F45 on 7/23/24 at 7:23 am
[quote]same Ultium EV architecture[/quote] No. Now, with a 6.2 in it that GM actually gives a shite about when assembling... I'm in. I love subdued flashiness....
[quote]She really was incredibly skilled[/quote] She crawled so morgpie could fly....
[quote]force the government to purchase the land that I can’t touch at fair market value which would be a pretty nice amount.[/quote] [quote]fair market value[/quote] [quote]pretty nice amount[/quote] [quote]wetlands[/quote] I bought wetlands this past year at under 1000 per acre. The...