Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball Is Charging $200 For Autographs All-Star Weekend
© Kevin Jairaj-USA TODAY Sports
The NBA All-Star Weekend takes place in L.A this weekend. Lakers rookie Lonzo Ball was not selected to play, however, he will be there signing autographs for way too much money...
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Filed Under: NBA
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Napoleon79 months
That kid and hugs family are so easy to dislike.
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SpartyGator79 months
Looks like we don't have a lot of Big Ballers on this site
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Datbayoubengal79 months
The dad corrupted his kids. Hope Lamelo is able to shake from it.
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ConwayGamecock79 months
He needs to provide supplemental revenue for his two professional basketball-playing brothers. Seriously, with how people go straight to ebay after they get stuff autographed, I have no issue at all with athletes making $$ off of their own signature.
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pellietigersaint79 months
What a cockucker
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BigDropper79 months
I will pay him 2 $100 bills and get him to sign my $1 bill change...
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Purple Lion79 months
Will he sign my a-hole for $199
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reo4579 months
Rookie sensation!! :ROTFLMAO:
user avatar
I really hope this guy is out of the league in 2 years.
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OweO79 months
This is what happens when your dad starts a brand and tries to sell shoes for $400. Either way, I know there are people who enjoy collecting sports memorabilia and all and I am sure there will be people who pay to get this kid's autograph, but I would think it would be in his best interest to go for volume. At $200 he might get 4 people, at $75 he could probably get 9+..
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Fearless_and_True79 months
Is he projected to be better than Jordan or James?
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bamafan100179 months
Sounds like free market to me...although I cant think of many people id pay $200 just to autograph something. Seems lame
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OGTiger79 months
I got Muhammad Ali’s autograph in person and didn’t cost me a dime. Side note: my ex-wife through it away not knowing what it was. Or, so she says.
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Fearless_and_True79 months
Dumpster diving
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900179 months
And his dad took every penny made.
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ctiger6979 months
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PhifeDogg79 months
I'll see if I can find us all a Groupon to use..
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BobABooey79 months
It might be worth it if it gives you an opportunity to get close enough to him to speak and be heard. Say some choice words, get attacked, sue, and then profit. It’s an investment, not an expense.
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atltiger648779 months
guy's a bust, at least for such a high draft pick. Great passer and facilitator, but his shot is completely broken. I mean, his form is horrific and now his confidence is gone. Going to be really hard to overhaul those awful mechanics.
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SPEEDY79 months
For $199, I should him to sign a power of attorney over to me so I can protect this kid from his family
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vodkacop79 months
What a dick. First of all where the frick does this over inflated non shooting ego get off asking for that much. His daddy more famous than he is. Suck it ball you aint even worth 25 dollars
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