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Registered on:7/5/2009
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So, this is the equivalent of a school yard conflict involving mental adolescents... cool!

I feel so informed now.

re: Murder Point Oysters

Posted by BigDropper on 2/10/25 at 10:28 pm

I tell people to classify the taste of these oysters to a Chardonnay grape. They take on the flavors of the environment around them.
It's called merroir. Like wine terroir, but for oysters.
Move them to a different storage location.

Add small desiccant pouches to each like cgrand said.

Put a large desiccant container like Damp Rid in your pantry.

Add a few grains of uncooked rice to each container.

re: Silverware

Posted by BigDropper on 2/7/25 at 11:35 am

re: Guy Feiri at Total Wine on Siegen

Posted by BigDropper on 2/7/25 at 11:34 am

Everyone always craps on that guy, but he might just be a saint
I think Anthony Bourdain popularized crapping on Guy like people crap on Nickle Back.

I like watching DDD, but sometimes GF can be a bit too much. That being said, I respect him for his philanthropic service to underse
Why are they flying the flag of the country they fled?

re: Garden bug ID help

Posted by BigDropper on 2/6/25 at 1:15 pm
orange or red assassin bug nymph.


Mom or step mom?
underrated comment.

re: Dave Portnoy first pizza stop

Posted by BigDropper on 2/4/25 at 8:51 pm

What the frick is a baww pie?
What the frick is that? :lol:

She was hilarious!

It appears the lawsuit was filed in Oct 2024.

The timeline goes a little something like this.

8/?/2023 GB reports dizzyness/ vertigo to LSU coaches held out of practice
9/13/2023 GB suffers medical emergency prompting MRI
9/15/2023 GB undergoes emergency surgery to remove
[quote]A medulloblastoma diagnosis typically takes a few weeks to a couple of months to confirm, with the median time being around 2 months, but this can vary depending on the individual's symptoms, access to healthcare, and the complexity of the case; sometimes it can take longer due to non-specifi

re: Is henckels a good knife brand

Posted by BigDropper on 1/24/25 at 12:50 pm
Instead of buying a brand, I recommend choosing upon construction. Forged knives have superior weight, durability, and balance to stamped blades.

re: Vacuum Packed Chicken Thighs

Posted by BigDropper on 1/22/25 at 2:27 pm
Open them and you will instantly have your answer.

Did anyone's life change overnight with TikTok gone?
in other news, productivity is up 4000% for WFH employees...