I discover a new moment every time I rewatch this...
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CanebreakCajun9 months
That first baseman went down like Tyson hit him lol.
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LSUfourLife9 months
As a parent of kids who have played t-ball, this doesn't surprise me at all.
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ncinthenext39 months
You have to watch this at least 5 times to pick up everything going on
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Billy Mays9 months
Jaxsynnn and Braellin would never....
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DeafVallyBatnR9 months
I am in a restaurant and laughing at this. The kid hit by the ball is great.
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denvertiger9 months
He's definitely the highlight, IMO
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denvertiger9 months
I'm a Rockies fan...if I wanted to see this shite, I'd pay the six bucks and go watch it while drinking myself into oblivion
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JG770569 months
As opposed to Major League tee ball?
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Twincam9 months
They are lucky there's no dirt
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Jay Quest9 months
Angel Hernandez said it looked fine to him.
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6R129 months
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Like trying to herd cats.
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Spelt it rong9 months
This is an old video fellas
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6R129 months
New to me but OK
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SuperOcean9 months
Needs the Benny Hill theme song..,. That's great stuff though. From the 1st baseman getting shot to Lil sister not caring one iota ...
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southernboisb9 months
What happens since the batter missed 1B?
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ATLTiger9 months
Brings back memories of coaching my son's team and one kid always running toward 3rd after he hit the ball. Always. I would just set up shop a few feet down the 3rd base line during his at bats to redirect him. Ahh, the good old days.
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GeauxtigersMs369 months
Love it!! Funny but here in Mississippi batter is out and the play stops or there may be a riot. Kind of glad my daughter broke her arm and can’t play. Something that’s suppose to be fun turns into arguing and parents “meeting in the parking lot”. Glad to see everyone just having fun
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chinhoyang9 months
I've seen wilder t-ball plays. T-ball is pretty fun to watch.
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Only kid with any travel ball future is the one that threw the ball.
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LSU_Legz9 months
But that first baseman has a future in the WWE.
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Rex Feral9 months
Yup, that looks like what a t ball game should look like.
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Hat Tricks9 months
That kid getting smoked in the head with the ball. Gosh damn. lol
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