Here's Your First MLB Coach Vs. Umpire Masked Social Distanced Argument & Ejection
© Jeff Curry-USA TODAY Sports
Pittsburgh Pirates manager Derek Shelton and umpire Jordan Baker gave us our first pandemic argument and ejection of the season on Sunday...
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Filed Under: MLB
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RandySavage50 months
Honk freaking honk
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CFFreak50 months
The Coviz boot licking is strong with these MLB types.
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TerryDawg0350 months
The crowd noise pumped into the stadium while this is all going on is pretty damn funny.
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moester7550 months
They should be forced to French Kiss until one of them can’t take it anymore. That’ll be the one that is right. It would hit all the boxes of 2020 americana am I wrong? Am I wrong? Am I wrong here?
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DallasTiger50 months
MLB is so ridiculous. It's like wrestling. Don't watch/won't watch.
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CFFreak50 months
Please don't insult wrestling.
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Koach K50 months
Seriously where is Charlie Sheen or Leslie Nielsen when you need them.
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TROLA50 months
The fricking ump fumbling around for his mask. What kinda bullshite is this.
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tketaco50 months
Ghey Boomer stuff. Love baseball, but boomers get dumb with their rituals like coaches acting unprofessional.
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Sput50 months
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Hangit50 months
Why does Blue have on FB shoulder pads?
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Scoob50 months
In case he gets drilled with a foul tip or a passed ball.
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Yeti_Chaser50 months
Its a new thing this year to help stop the spread of coronavirus
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s250 months
fake as fakenews.
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Kraut Dawg50 months
Those arguments are fake anyway.
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