Former LSU wide receiver Odell Beckham Jr. surprised his little sister with a brand new Jeep Wrangler for Sweet 16th Birthday.

OBJ surprised her with the gift by the pulling the car up right outside of Brennan's Restaurant in the French Quarter where she was having her party.

Filed Under: LSU Football
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LuzianaFootball81 months
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jrowla281 months
A little over the top for anyone other than rappers and pro athletes. Probably be stolen soon.
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tigerinthebueche81 months
Good for him. Made your lil sis’ day ODB. Well played
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LSUvet7281 months
If we could get OBJ to endorse Trump with Kanye the Donald’s black support % could rise to 30% and Demos would be out of business
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23hella81 months
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Tigers4Lyfe81 months
Over 80 degrees outside, put your hoodie down fool.
user avatar
OU81281 months
Hoodies, beanies, and drinking fru fru coffee at some millennial coffee house when it 90 degrees. Thank god I am a Gen Xer!
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Sev0981 months
And get mobbed in the streets of NOLA? No thanks. He's laying low.
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PapaCrawfish81 months
I'll keep my bump around truck. Each dent is a badge of honor
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CarRamrod81 months
I dont understand how she has so many white friends. All i have been told is how racist white people are.
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Winston Cup81 months
shut up
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lsudave181 months
Maybe because she goes to Newman?
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lsutigermall81 months
Think you mixed up 'white' with 'retarded'. Those kids look pretty smart to me.
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Sweet daddy81 months
Very nice vehicle I’m sure she is happy at 16. Glad he did not buy a Dodge Charger we all know who drive Dodge Chargers.
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Napoleon81 months
undercover police?
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Stiles81 months
Vin Diesel?
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TJGator121581 months
Lots of potential on the balcony
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Solo Cam81 months
Lots of 16 year old girls on that balcony
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alumni9581 months
Pure creep if you’re beyond HS.
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skinny domino81 months
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Glistening Member81 months
And then he went to St. Ann St. to party.
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LaBR481 months
Certainly there was a want to give a quality gift. Damn strong vehicle.
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bamafan100181 months
Would look great without the ridiculous rims.
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BestBanker81 months
I've been to Brennan's!
user avatar
Hangit81 months
It could have been you.
user avatar
TigerIT81 months
Cool story bro!
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Mr. Hangover81 months
She’ll wind up crashing it while making a Snapchat or Instagram video... hope she is gonna be alright
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LSUyeauxleaux81 months
WTF is wrong with you?!
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Napoleon81 months
if you are going to give a kid a car. One with a proven track record, high relase value and a full roll cage is a good choice.
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Spankum81 months
Well, good for him. As I see it, that is a perfectly reasonable car for a 16 year old to drive.
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Twenty 4981 months
Almost all her party guests are white girls. No that there's anything wrong with that.
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tubucoco81 months
Then why bring it up? lol
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Genestealer5581 months
What’s your point? All of Tiger’s friends, girlfriends, wives etc have all been white.
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conman81 months
Funny watching all of the cell phone zombies on the balcony
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GoRuckTiger81 months
Just what every 16 year old needs for their first car. A $70k custom Jeep Wrangler. Smart, real smart.
user avatar
The frick is your problem?
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JustLSUit81 months
Better than the rappers going out and buy their 16 year old Lambo and Ferrari’s. I think that’s a perfect first car for a 16 year old.
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tubucoco81 months
shite, Mayweather bought his daughter a 300,000 dollar Maybach or however it's spelled. Lol You think a kid girl needs a car like that?? Odell is just being a good bog brother!
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Walt OReilly81 months
Odell is great. Need more Americans like him.
user avatar
CL810081 months
I need a jeep like that
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