Favorite team:Hawaii 
Location:New Orleans
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Registered on:9/6/2003
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I haven’t looked yet, but is there a setting to change the controls for read option plays? I fricking love this game. Holy shite...
I don’t think I’ve ever anticipated a game release as much as I have this one. Holy shite, Monday afternoon can’t get here fast enough ...
Funny how Sal doesn’t respond when people call out his SJW arse. What a loser ...
[quote]SaintLSUnAtl[/quote] How have you been my friend?? Long time, no see. We are still undefeated together in the dome :lol:...
What are your thoughts on all the info that’s come out on this game?...
BRUH :lol::rotflmao: Where do you come up with this shite :lol:...
[quote]think I saw Jae in here also but not sure[/quote] Jae is a turd!!!! Forget that guy!! So is MJ! :lol: I miss the old homies :wah: ...
[quote]Just wanted to pop back in and say that everyone who has actually played the game is saying the complete opposite of what Gritz was arguing for the past 40 pages…[/quote] Well, that dude is an idiot so I’m not surprised :lol:...
You keep dancing around what he said, but have failed to even try to refute his claims… I bet he was more right than he was wrong… normally that would call for a person to do a little self reflection but I bet your massive ego prevents that from being possible Really sucks to hear about yourself...
I got Mel Gibson from the patriot vibes as Johnson was majestically galloping towards his team ...
He told Guidry to ‘stop aiming the ball and throw strikes’ :lol::rotflmao::lol: Tells you all you need to know. Wtf does that even mean??...
God damn son :lol: I’m excited as hell for this. Can’t frickin wait to dive in to this game… been way too long ...
Man shite got crazy for awhile here in Belle Chasse. Seems like it’s dying down thankfully. Hope all of you guys and your homes are safe...
Getting pounded in Belle Chasse right now. Is it going to get worse? Here with young kids by myself The tornado warnings went off on my phone and scared the shite out of us ...
[quote]and if its different but within the rules....why the frick aint yall doing it too?[/quote] Because my school only takes kids from within its own district, doesn’t have kids moving in from other areas to play sports, and doesn’t hold kids back. Schools like Barbe, WM, Catholic, Curtis, A...
[quote]Barbe from last year went 39-1. Scoring 355 runs and only allowing 40. Half their games were shutouts. Doubt there is a better team than Barbe 2023.[/quote] [img]https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia1.tenor.com%2Fimages%2F548bb81e9cfc8e71d82737d2223c3388%2Fteno...