A video surfaced Monday night of Odell Beckham Jr. handing cash to some of the players down the field after LSU defeated Clemson in the National Championship...

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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RBTiger62 months
Zeke Elliott in locker room? High as a kite
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tubucoco62 months
All of you people saying he needs to step back and let real champions have the spotlight. He would be a champion if he hadn't been playing for an idiot Head coach who was too stubborn to update his offense to an offense like this current LSU offense. Imagine that, with all that talent they had that season with Mettenberger throwing to OBJ and Jarvis L and with J Hill at RB. They would have had a "ring" on their fingers that year! But oh no, Miles wouldn't or couldn't change. Lol
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The Headmistress62 months
That has nothing to do with what he did. Childish, egotistical, narcissistic, boneheaded. What a tool.
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LSUfanaddict62 months
Mettenberger and Hill should never have been on the team, being sex offenders.
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Blue_Tiger62 months
He should have kept a lower profile and let the players that won the national championship have their time in the sun.
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tigerpawl62 months
Ditto for students, parents, fans, and donors.
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TigerMyth3662 months
I guess you forget USC allowed agents to walk around the practice field and on the field during games. If the school is dumb enough to do something that would get them in trouble with the NCAA then of course a drunk arse rich guy would have no problem doling out the bills after a championship. Not saying he did it but acting like it is implausible is plain moronic.
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YStar62 months
If anyone wants an example of LSU fans and loyalty, look below and see how fast they turn on one of their own.
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geauxtigers649262 months
...the dude just potentially committed a violation that can serverly harm the program. I don't blame fans being mad at OBJ at all.
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Da #1 Stunna62 months
Are you stupid? You want to defend this guy? You are not part of the solution. You are part of the problem. Go get on his nutz, he needs all the friends he can get.
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jeffsdad62 months
I don't see Lsu's response?
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The Torch62 months
OBJ Drama Queen
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Tigerpride1862 months
Although stupid, the absolutely rediclulous part of this, is that some people thought that it was real. Lol How can people be so stupid to think anyone would give a handshake exchange of cash to a college athlete on national TV in the biggest sporting event in college sports. I mean how stupid are people that they thought there was even a 1percent chance it was real money. Just wow
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imjustafatkid62 months
It's believable. OBJ isn't very smart.
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jdutto362 months
So OBJ walks around with fake cash?
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LockTheGates62 months
Joey B said it was real. Why would he do that?
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partyboy193062 months
OBJ was black out wasted
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southsidedell62 months
So was I
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elcid62 months
I have never turned from like to dislike faster for any LSU player than OBJ. I absolutely love Rohan, Tyrann, and several of the old LSU players being around the program and appreciate O’s willingness to bring them in, but OBJ is going to f up a great thing because he wants to be the center of attention everywhere he goes. He was yelling over O “It’s all about what ya’ll did!” I thought it was very disrespectful. Potential cancer to the program, he cannot keep away from controversy.
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BigTimer2362 months
Where can I find the video of him yelling over O?
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BoxmanTiger62 months
Rohan was involved in a money scheme himself
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AustinKnight62 months
Guy is an a-hole
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Tonio62 months
Excommunicate that weirdo POS
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YStar62 months
Lol he actually played for LSU and means something to the University. You're some nobody he probably went there and non one even from your class cares where you are or what you do.
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secfan197662 months
The money is clearly fake Odell is just trying to make a point. The NCAA made millions last night off of those kids and they didn’t get a freaking dime of it!
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Shepherd8862 months
If it is fake then that is also illegal.
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Da #1 Stunna62 months
You are the worst apologist. So, now you want to paint it like, Odell the unselfish social justice warrior, was making a social political statement by giving players cash payments on the sidelines for a job well done? He is the College Football Athletes Kaepernick. Michael Irvin, caught dead to rights with hookers and blow didn't embarrass his university as publicly as OBJ-off just did. You are part of the problem. Stop kissing his arse.
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Vernonbrew2262 months
Yawn. No story hear. Phoney money
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SXV62 months
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TheCaptain22562 months
Jontre Kirklands face hahaha
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TheCaptain22562 months
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Morgus62 months
A lie can make its way halfway around the world while the truth is still putting its boots on.
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thelawnwranglers62 months
What was LSUs response?
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Eauxld Geauxld62 months
LSU needs to keep OBJ off the sidelines until the guy demostrates better judgement. What he did was flat out stupid........and at the least is an embarrassment to the university.
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tubucoco62 months
Stop hating, fool! You clwns are the worst fans, racists POS that pretend to not be racist. I know all of your kind down in shitty old south LA.
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SoulGlo62 months
OBJ, gtfo and let them have their time. It's not about you.
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You don't know what happened, STFU.
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Chalkywhite8462 months
But it looks like the players look up to him and want him there. So isn't there opinion more important than yours
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SoulGlo62 months
Of course, he's a celebrity. Ex players need to respect the current squad and their spotlight. They earned it. You wouldn't see Juice acting like that at all, would you?
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lovinLSU62 months
LoL... wonder what Dickie V is going to say about this incident..LoL
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AustinKnight62 months
Personally I don’t like acting low class which obviously that was with real money or even fake. He needs to step the frick back and let winners enjoy.
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