Derick E. Hingle-USA TODAY Sports
Ed Orgeron was asked Monday about the rumors that there was no air conditioning in LSU's locker room this past Saturday at Darrell K Royal-Texas Memorial Stadium where temperatures were approaching 100 degrees throughout the day.

Orgeron confirmed that there was no air conditioning but said they were prepared for it because they spoke with officials at Louisiana Tech, who played the Longhorns in Austin the week before.

To deal with the heat, LSU brought fans from Baton Rouge and set them up in the locker room.

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Orgeron added that he didn't think the air conditioning situation had anything do to with cramps players were dealing with during the game but said they will do more IVs at halftime to prevent that from happening again.

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Filed Under: LSU Football
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GeauxPonies65 months
Compare the friendly reception visitors always get at A&M vs. what LSU fans had to put up with in Austin. Thrilled to see the arrogant Orangebloods get their richly deserved comeuppance. Geaux Tigers.
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TBoy65 months
It’s a health and safety issue. Our locker rooms should always be cooled in the warm months. That Texas would ignore the health risk just to be petty is actually very disturbing.
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LSUTigerMN65 months
we won, took their worst, and they cheated, and they were dirty, but they will probably get that baton rouge hospitality regardless, and the outcome of the game will be the same.
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Billy McBride65 months
I agree with the guys that say don't stoop to their level. Use it against them in recruiting....not to mention...mentioning they haven't had a FIRST ROUND selection in 13 years. Come to LSU where everything is FIRST CLASS and we will help you get to play on Sundays!!!!!!
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davyjones65 months
And the Horns still lost. Lol
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Barbellthor65 months
Oh. My. Lord. Lolz. Next year the whole Texas team be stuck under a 10X10 tent on the open levee. We’ll probably even break out mike just for them.
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JackieTreehorn65 months
When they come to TS there should be piles of human shite in each locker.
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Twenty 4965 months
There should be NCAA consequences if a school pulls shite like that on a 100 degree day. Or any day. They should have to provide reasonably suitable facilities and not certainly not sabotage them.
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RightWingTiger65 months
Agree. Shld be like the Headset rule (NFL, not sure about NCAA), if one side doesn't work the other side can't use thiers.
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Shooter65 months
One up them next year! No seats, No AC and make it smell like piss!
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Mike da Tigah65 months
Band in the nose bleed, minuscule allotment of tickets of visitors, and no A/C in the visitor locker room..... ALL by design.... Chicken shite, but apparently that’s UTx
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GeauxsomeMeaux65 months
Texas is the richest program in all of college football!!! No excuse not to have AC!!! That’s low down!
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SD Tider65 months
I’ve always hated the attempts to gain an advantage by giving visitors shitty locker rooms. Not saying they have to be luxurious or anything, but they should have everything that’s needed, AC, enough trainer tables, lockers, restrooms, showers, etc. What Texas did shows a complete lack of class and sportsmanship.
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chicageaux_tiger65 months
LSU should have "plumbing issues" in the visitor's locker room for the game next year.
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Philippines4LSU65 months
When they come to BR, it’d be funny if there was a “plumbing problem” in the visitors locker room. Let them hold it in until after the game.
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brewdrees65 months
Respect to LA Tech for the heads up, LSU should schedule em and cut a big check!!
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CapitalCityTiger65 months
Well, we put a live tiger in front of their locker room sooo...
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Trading_Tiger65 months
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reggieray42065 months
That isn't dirty, that's just some thug arse shite. STTDB
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jmswp465 months
It's been a while since you've been to a game, huh? We don't bring Mike into the Stadium anymore, either because (1) We bowed to PETA and its dumbass agenda; or (B) because the crowd stresses Mike [according to LSU]. Either way, it doesn't happen. Now, if we were having problems with the A/C in Mike's habitat on game day next year and needed to let U.T. share the visitor's locker room with Mike, that would be understandable.
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jlewis65 months
We have more class than that. We should never stoop to their level!
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Cycledude65 months
I bet Texas had air conditioning.
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CapitalCityTiger65 months
Insightful observation
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Godfather165 months
That's just straight up bush.
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sumbodyorsum165 months
Y’all realize if LSU had pulled this crap what the national narrative would be? This would a huge story all over yahoo and espn just trashing us. Not sure if anyone will care much about Texas doing this. I hope I’m wrong. This is surprising at this level and given the player safety time of today.
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TalkingNeck65 months
Ugh yahoo
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monsterballads65 months
It LSU does it next next then it’ll be a national story
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