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re: All the RINOs dislike Vance

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 7/26/24 at 8:28 pm
Antiwar. He knows we are sick of that bloody profiteering crap....
So, will this mass of disrespected migrants rise up and march to air their grievances on an International Stage? If so, how do the French Authorities deal with such a 'caravan'? Answer: They can't, as the bloody spectacle would ruin the whole Olympics. They earned it....
Non-starter. The Supreme Court determines Constitutionality, and we all know where that goes. "No Standing"....
Vance is MAGA, and the best shot for the Rust Belt. It all comes down to whether they allow and legally assert ballots to be VALIDATED as to the legality of the voter (signatures, witnesses, citizenship, current status, etc.), as opposed to just 'auditing' and recounting fraudulent or illegal cast b...
Does glass shrapnel leave a vapor trail like in that photo? Screw Wray. He’s a criminal conspirator truth be told. ...
Well at least she is more forthright than Barack. They both believe that Socialism (Democratic or Tyrannical) is more moral than Constitutional Republic Freedom Capitalism. Therein the need for "fundamental change" via "we are the ones we've been waiting for" demographic. I say good...let an hone...

re: Mortgage delinquencies

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 7/25/24 at 12:24 pm
The economy is always good relative to the Government printing presses churning out $$$. Shut that down and down goes the economy. The Service on the Debt is more indicative of the future predictable economy that is whether people are currently paying their debts. The whole economy outside of rea...
Mute it, finger on "skip" button and ride out the storm. You'll gain patience and impulse control; character money in the bank for the future. :cheers:...
[quote]shoots BB sized salt bullets that[/quote] Tracks, GP...too risky. Albeit this sounds like it could have been efficiently employed re the Scalia 'heart attack'. The Dems are right, and once the Democratic Process gets to this point, then one side or the other must "by whatever means nece...
"If at first you don't succeed...try and try again". Why not, what will their opposition do? I mean what, another Muh Investigation. The Intel Community straight up commited fraud and election tampering with the 'Letter' re Hunter's Laptop being Russian disinformation. And has one single one of t...
[quote] quote: All of western europe is lost. Its not lost, it is what it is. All the men/women with balls left or were thrown out and sailed to the United States. World War 1 World War 2 Both took the lives of the courageous Europeans, and by lives I mean millions upon million up...
Smart guy and a great deceiver/liar, but he’s not lying about this. Things are really different this time. ...
Yeah, the stop action photo that shows the vapor trail of a bullet exposes Wray as the lying pos that he is. I hope I live to see justice that fits the crime. ...
And they will pay a heavy price. And if there is a ‘next life’, they won’t forget the pain that results from well-intentioned, feeling-based idealism unmitigated by realistic dynamics. Live and learn. ...
I generally watch the Tour de France for the scenery, and this year is the first year the Tour didn’t have their grand celebratory finish in Paris. They said it was because of the Olympics but anyone not in self delusion or denial knows why. Off the road and over the cliff we go. Albeit we’ll be bet...
Honestly, if I were to see this in a dream, I’d wake up in shock and likely offer a prayer to Jesus for protection. I’m no wuss, but like Dirty Harry says “a man has got to know his limitations “. I know mine and that phantom image is straight out of Cahn’s “The Return of the Gods”. It’s coming. Lor...

re: Trump takes off the bandage

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 7/24/24 at 9:04 am
[quote]Not sure we know what all went on there. [/quote] Very true, NV...but there is no doubt as to McVeigh's absolute allegiance to his moral-based reasoning and MO. He accepted what he believed to be a Just sentence (death via the State) and his demeanor and walk reflected such a mindset. He ...
[quote]gentle reminder of people spending a week in the Superdome post-Katrina, eating delivered MREs and floor-shitting, occasionally venturing outside to scream in anguish at the helicopters and the cameras, while a road led out of the area, up and elevated, toward Houston just 1/4 mile away. [/q...

re: Trump takes off the bandage

Posted by RCDfan1950 on 7/24/24 at 8:30 am
Trump should have left the hole, and rubbed it in their faces every time he appeared in public. The Dems ENABLED his assassination by leaving the access window wide open. The same as they will leave the legally-questionable, harvested ballot window wide open. Plausible deniability in both cases if t...