It was only a matter of time until a song and music video about the LSU's Rally Possum surfaced on the internet.

And it's a good one...


Published on May 28, 2016 by SOUTHWESTURN
Recorded this ridiculous song of Baseball legend & superstition last night... I can say I was one of the few fans that remained at The Box on May the 7th when an opossum changed course LSU's baseball season.
Filed Under: LSU Baseball
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tigerbytail99 months
Hi is it memorex
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knuckleballer99 months
George Jones mask for Omaha.
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RallyCrawfish99 months
I'll allow it.
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CBarkleytruth99 months
Uh....... Wow. Why not just have Fraley walk up to start the game with "possum kingdom" playing, or use that in a video.
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MondayMorningMarch99 months
That's way better than anything "country" radio is putting out of Nashvegas these days.
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LSUfan444499 months
I made it 32 seconds.
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Dignan99 months
That's 27 seconds longer than you last with the Mrs..
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Pepe Lepew99 months
Being of the animal linage myself, I kinda like it....
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cypresstiger99 months
The greatest thang on Tigerdroppings in a long arse time
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WeeWee99 months
Just watched the whole video and it is better than Florida Georgia Line, but worse than Nickelback.
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vjp81999 months
i can't comment as i only got through the first 15 seconds of whatever that was.
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LSU Coyote99 months
That is garbage.
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c on z99 months
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SoulGlo99 months
You people will bitch about anything. Sure, it's a terrible song… What the hell else kind of song would be fitting for a possum, especially a good luck rally possum? You people bitching about the song making us look bad makes us look worse than what you say the song does. Chill the frick out.
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LelandSU99 months
For your support of this song, which is an atrocity before God, I sentence you to listening to this song 4 times in a row. If your brain doesn't rot and ooze down your spinal canal, you shall listen to it a few more times.
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Bayoubred99 months
That song is still gonna be played in 40 years. Another chapter in the Lore of LSU!!
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loopback99 months
That's definitely Drew Landry, no question about it. I know him well.
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Hat Tricks99 months
Funny video and song. Some people don't know how to lighten up and not take things so serious.
user avatar
Some people don't know how to have a little fun. Love the song!
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LSUvet7299 months
Was thinkin a fan needs to attach a stuffed rally opossum over a radio controlled high speed car and send the rally opossum out for a run from everyone next game we need a big rally ! I'm talkin high speed that only Fournette could catch.
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Walt OReilly99 months
Man that is great. I don't know which is better. The music video or the song.
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HebertFest0899 months
That's Ol drew Landry singing... At least it sounds like him.
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hawgfaninc99 months
a song that perfectly sums up lsu fans
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cas4t99 months
Because the Arkansas fan base is so culturally diverse.
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YrNucoach99 months
What do divorce and tornados have in common in Arkansas? Somebody's losing a trailer!
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