Golf star Dustin Johnson and wife Paulina Gretzky continue to live that life in Europe...

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Filed Under: Golf
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CR409014 months
too skinny
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The Torch14 months
DJ likes Dem Bones
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Bunsbert Montcroff14 months
I should buy a boat
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Skinny14 months
Ah my god. Gorgeous, sexy woman. Look at that body. Look at those feet.
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GetmorewithLes14 months
She starting to look anorexic...
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Saunson6914 months
The lack of gratitude that oozes out of her poses. If any people belong in hell, it's her. I think a man making $25k per year that robs people likely has better ethics than her, he just doesn't have the money she has.
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diat15014 months
Her booty stank
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atltiger648714 months
1. She needs a few cheeseburgers.
2. Besides being crazy wealthy x2 (Daddy Great One and her husband) she has such a sad need for attention.
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Jwils14 months
Second pic looks like aliens
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UnclePat7614 months
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Boodis Man14 months
she looks anorexic now. what happened...smh
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LSUvet7214 months
Her new name is ,Bones, as she has no thighs but (2)2x4 stud legs.
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Gaston14 months
Skipped some/(all) leg days.
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TDTOM14 months
I hope their chef's special is cheeseburgers.
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Bamadog7514 months
Damn she has gotten too skinny.
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